Chapter 15

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Amelia's POV

I sat in the living room reading a book as Cameron played video games next to me. Aaron was nowhere to be seen in the house. He must've taken a walk. Good, I really didn't want to see him. I literally have a band aide on my forehead because of him. I sigh as I close my book and watch Cameron play gta5.

I hear the door knob shake. It's probably Aaron trying to get in. Then he knocks. Doesn't Aaron have a key?

"Cameron can you get that i really don't want to see Aaron" I said standing up to go to my room.

"Anything for you beautiful" he smirked getting up. I walk out of the living room with Cameron. He goes to the door as I go up the stairs.

"Wait!" I hear Aaron's voice "I'm truly sorry for what I did I wasn't thinking"

Without looking at him I kept walking up the stairs.

"Amelia please look at my I'm so so sorry I hate myself for what I have done to you" he said. I finally turned around. My jaw dropped. He had a huge teddy bear with a heart that said 'I love you sissy' and a bunch of chocolates in a bucket. He came closer to me. I had my hand over my mouth.

"Do you forgive me?" He asks with his hands stretched out waiting for me to take them

"I- I can't" I teared up " I can't forgive you Aaron what you've done every time I see you my heart just sinks at the thought of how much you hate me to throw me down to the ground like that"

"Amelia" Aaron said

"I have some thinking to do" I say cleaning my tears " I will be in my room if you need me, Cameron"

I run up the stairs and run in my room closing the door behind me. I let out all the tears I was holding.

"I can't do this anymore" I said to myself "I've never been so hurt before"

It was sweet of Aaron to bring me all of that but I couldn't accept it when I still couldn't forgive him. I laid in my bed staring at the white ceiling. I sigh.  A low knock is on the door as it opens slowly. I sit up and see Cameron walking in. He sits next to me.

"You know you can't stay mad at him forever" he says

"I know" I say "and that's why I have decided to move"

"What?" He says with shock "are you nuts or just stupid"

"Cameron what the hell?" I say " I was joking didn't you hear the sarcasm in my voice"

"I didn't I'm sorry" he said with puppy eyes

"It's fine" I sigh

"You can forgive me but not your own brother" he says standing up "I called you stupid for god sakes Amelia forgive your brother he feels like hell he hasn't been sleeping"

"I thought vampires didn't sleep" I say

"Well it's not like the movies" he says "the vampires you know do sleep and only one isn't sleeping and that's your brother" he looks at me and half smiles "I would forgive him if I where you, that was a one thing mistake that won't happen again he was drunk and worried which really messed his mind up a little when he saw you" he stands up " he's in the backyard"

Cameron walks out leaving me alone. I'm being childish. Hiding away from my brother instead of fixing things with him. I get up and run down the stairs. I open the two glass doors and walk up to Aaron. I sit next to him.

"Promise me you won't ever hurt me like that" I say looking down at the pool water

"I promise Amelia that was a one thing mistake it won't happen again I promise" he says. I look at him and stick my pinkie out at him. He looks at me and rolls his eyes. We cross pinkies.

"I forgive you" I say. His face fills with joy. He picks me up and spins me in circles. Aaron slips and we both fall in the pool. I gasp as the cold water hit me. I look at Aaron to see him laughing his ass off.

" ha ha so funny" I said getting out of the pool "you're lucky you're a vampire because they're already cold"

"Mhmm okay let's get you warm" he said opening the doors for me. I rush inside and carefully run towards the fireplace. The heat was hitting me and I felt great. A knock echoes through the house. I get up and open the door reviling Lucy. She's smiling and waving as she sees me.

"Hi!" She says " can I come it I wanna show you something"

I nod and she walks in.

"Okay so I had a outfit emergency and I really don't know which one to wear to this fancy party with my paren--" she trails off as we enter the living room where Aaron is sitting next to the fire "u-uh...and.....I..." she clears her throat not taking her eyes away from Aaron" with which one to wear"

"If it's a fancy party definitely the pinkish orange" I say "that's what I would wear"

I notice her not paying any attention to me. She was all on Aaron. I wave my hands in front of her face. Not a single flinch.

"Oh Aaron this is Lucy the girl I spent the night with" I say. She had her mouth open looking at Aaron.

"Hi Lucy" Aaron smirks. Lucy shuts her mouth and hesitates.

"H-hi I'm Lucy oh wait you a-already know that" she smiles nervously " uh I..I.. I like spaghetti"

She starts to blush. Aaron didn't even notice that he was making her nervous. She's probably embarrassed.

"Hey Lucy how about we go upstairs to my room" I say

"Please" she says standing up. We run up my room and shut the door. I see the teddy bear and everything that Aaron had bought me on my bed. Cameron must've put it there. But wait. There was a box under the bear with a note. I look at Lucy and smile.

"You like my brother!" I say cheerfully

"Ugh I do" she limps "isn't that a bit weird for you"

"Not really I never seen my brother with any girls so this could mean something" I say

"Oh shut up like he would be interested in me " Lucy shrugs "anyways I just wanted to see what dress was good for the party and thanks for the help"

She gets up and walks out. I look back at the box. I wonder what it is.


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