Chapter 11

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Isaac's POV

Rae stormed out of the room. I tried to run after her, but Sterling held me back.

"She needs to blow off some steam. When she's ready, she'll come back."

"I know. But we pushed her too far. What if she doesn't come back?"

"She will, Isaac. It'll be ok." Sterling sounds confident that she will, but he didn't see exactly how angry she was when he left. I did.

"Let's clean up the room, then we can go out to look for her. She won't get very far on foot." Sterling starts to pick up the room. We all follow.

An hour later, the room is spotless. Sterling let me and Shane drive around to try and find Rae. She hasn't come back yet. I'm worried because if she got into the wrong neighborhood, we could have a problem. She's supposed to meet her friend Lanie today, but if we can't find her, we have a problem.

"Keep your eyes open for her." Shane nods his head.

"I'm not sure where she'll be or where she's going. We have to find her though."

"Isaac calm down. We will. If not she'll come back by nightfall. She has nowhere else to go." Shane seems worried too, but he does his best to hide it.

"Do you like her?"

"What? I just met her."

"Do you like her?"

"Do you?" He questions.

"You know I'm dating Elise."

"I don't know. You seem to invest an awful lot of your time in Rae. You're worried when she's upset."

"So? Last night you and her where sleeping together."

"She rolled over to me in her sleep. I guess I let her sleep close next to me."

"Well, I mean you also kissed her. After you saw her nude."

"First of all, I don't know why I kissed her, second of all, I didn't mean to see her naked, and third of all, drop it."

I stare in front of me. We keep driving down streets, circling around looking for her. It's almost noon. I hope that we can find her soon. I miss her. Wait. What? I miss her? Maybe I DO like her.

"THERE!" I follow the direction of where Shane's pointing and, sure enough, Rae is sitting on the sidewalk. She's staring at the house across the way. I park the car a few feet down, and we get out. Shane and I race over to her. She doesn't acknowledge us. Her hazel eyes are glossy. She's been crying. I sit down next to her with Shane on the other side.

"We were all really worried when you stormed off earlier. Are you alright."

"I'm fine Isaac." Her voice is monotoned.

"That's good, I guess."

"No it's not, Isaac," Shane begins. "The scale for women's emotional feelings goes: Great, Good, Okay, Not Okay, I hate you, I'm fine. She is not 'fine'." I crack a smile, but hide it when I see that he was being serious.

"Rae, why are you here." Shane gestures to the place we're sitting before.

"It's my home. My real one. Where I grew up with my sister and my brothers. My family." She wipes away the tears that formed at her eyes.

Shane grabs her hand. She leans her head on his shoulder. Ouch. Wait what? I have a girlfriend. I DON'T like Rae. Her auburn hair covering her face. I realize that she's still in her pjs. I run to the back if the truck and pull out a flannel of mine. I bring of to her and she puts it on over her pajamas.

RING! My phone buzzes in my back pocket. I excuse myself to answer it.


"It's Sterling. Have you found Rae yet?"

"Yeah we are sitting with her now."

"Can you ask her if I still need to take her to her friend's house."

"Yeah give me a second."

I walk to Rae. She's still holding Shane's hand and has her head resting on his shoulder.

"Do you want Sterling to take you to your friend's house?"

"Shit. I forgot. Um yeah. Can we go back so I can get ready?" She wipes her face with the sleeves of my shirt.


I put the phone back to my ear.

"She does. We'll be home in 15 minutes."

"See ya then. Bye."


I hang up the phone. We pile into the truck and I start the engine. We drive home in silence. There's really nothing to talk about. We pull into the driveway. I park the car and Rae hops out. She gets out so she can go get ready. I watch her walk up the front steps. She goes inside and I can no longer see her.

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