Chapter 29

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Rae's POV

He takes a seat across from me. I cannot believe that this is actually happening. I look around the lobby for any of the Grace boys.

None of them are in sight. Shit. I'm screwed. Panic spreads through me so fast. I try to stay as calm as possible. Maybe I can get away, after all he is pretty old.

"What do you want?" I manage to say in between shaky breaths.

"Why, I came to see my beautiful granddaughter." A smirk tugs on the corners of his mouth.

"Well, she doesn't want to see you." I push my chair out from the table and stand up.

"Not so fast, young lady." He grabs my wrist.

"Let me go." I keep my voice steady, but I'm freaking out on the inside.

"But I was just getting started." He laughs.

"How'd you find me anyway?" I ask.

"Oh sweetie, I never lost you." The look in his eyes is pure evil.

I try to pull my wrist out of his grasp, but he's stronger than I imagined. He pulls me closer to his body and I feel a sharp poke against my back. He's got a knife.

"Struggle, and this knife ends up paralyzing you." He whispers into my ear.

He shoves me roughly out of the dining area. He forces me to walk to the elevator. He pushes the button to go up. We wait a few minutes for the elevator to arrive.

When it does, the doors open and a large crowd of people shuffle out. In the back of the elevator, Spencer and Noah are standing. They see me and how my grandfather is holding me. Obviously they don't know who he is, but they can tell that I'm in danger.

"Let her go." Spencer demands.

"This is none of your business so leave us in peace." My grandfather replies sternly.

My eyes plead with Spencer's to let the matter go. I know that if Spencer or Noah try to interfere with what my grandfather has planned, they'll both be S.O.L.

Spencer wants to do something, I know that, but right now all he can do is tell Sterling, Isaac, or Shane. The three of them might stand a chance against my grandfather's wrath.

Noah tugs Spencer out of the elevator and step aside. My grandfather pushes me inside and closes the door, not wanting anyone to ruin the alone time he's created for himself. We take the elevator up to the fourth floor. That's the same floor as the rest of my family.

We walk to the end of the hall. We pass by the room I shared with Isaac and Shane. As we move past it, I discretely drop my arrow necklace outside the door, making sure that it landed pointing the way I'm going. Hopefully they'll get my clue.

My grandfather stop say the last door in the hallway. He inserts his key card and unlocks the door. He shoes me inside and finally let's me go. I run to the opposite side of the room, putting as much distance between us as I can.

"Don't be afraid of me baby." I cringe at his choice of words.

"You wish." I snap.

"Feisty. I like it." He smiles.

Here we go again. Just like the first time. He starts inching towards me. I back up into the window. This is it. I'm going to get raped. For the third time.


Shane's POV

I get out of bed and get ready for the day. As soon as I finish pulling on my shirt, there's loud, frantic knocking at the door. I walk over to it and find Spencer and Noah panting.

"Woah, guys what's up?" I ask.

"It's Rae." Spencer mutters.

"What about Rae?" Isaac says while poking his head around the corner.

"She's in trouble!" Noah answers.

"What?!" Isaac and I shout at the same time.

"We saw her with some old guy getting on the elevator. It looked like he had a knife to her back." Spencer quickly informs us.

"Why didn't you do anything?" I'm starting to get really angry.

"I tried, but Rae begged me not to." Spencer says sheepishly.

"She told you not to help?" Isaac questions.

"More like her expression did." Noah says.

"Do you know where she went?" I ask.

"No, we don't." Spencer looks at his shoes.

I groan. I step into the hallway, trying to process all of this information. I cover my face with my hands. I should've gone with her. I think to myself. I look down and that's when I notice something shiny on the floor. I bend down to pick it up.

"This is Rae's necklace. She never takes it off." I say.

"Why is it here then?" Isaac wonders.

"A clue. She's trying to tell us where she is." I conclude.

"It's an arrow isn't it?" Noah asks.

"Yeah why?" I reply.

"Which way was it pointing?" He continues.

"That way." I say, gesturing to the end of the hallway, away from the elevator.

"She's over there somewhere. In one of the rooms." Noah states.

"But how do we know which one?" Spencer points out.

"Didn't think of that." Noah sighs.

"We'll figure it out but, but we need to tell Sterling." Isaac states.

"Why don't we just call the cops and let them handle it?" Spencer says.

"Because Sterling will get in trouble for taking us out if the foster home and Rae will get taken away. And none of us want that to happen." I inform.

"Exactly. Now let's tell Sterling." Isaac finishes.

We knock on the door of Sterling's room. It takes a few minutes, but finally Eli answers the door.

"What's up guys?" He greets.

"We need to talk to Sterling. Now." Isaac demands.

"Yeah, sure. He's in the bathroom. What's wrong?" Eli says.

"We'll explain in a minute." I answer.

"Sterling!" Isaac yells.

"What?" Sterling calls back.

"We've got a serious problem." Isaac remarks.

"Excuse me?" Sterling asks while walking out of the bathroom.

"Rae's in trouble." I announced.

We explained all that we knew to Sterling and Eli. It took us a few minutes, but we decided on what we were going to do.

We're definitely waisting time coming up with a plan, but Rae's tough. She can handle herself, I reassure myself. At least, I hope she can.

A/N: Hey darlings!! I know that it's been forever since I updated last, but I've been writing different stories that I'm hoping to publish soon. Anyway, thank you so much for reading. Please vote and comment! Peace out losers✌️!

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