Chapter 27

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Shane's POV

"Shane." Sterling's voice brings me back to the present.

"What?" I say while wiping away the tears from my face?

"Why are you crying? Liam's going to be fine." Sterling's words lift a weight off my shoulders and I exhale a breathe I didn't realize I was holding.

"I didn't hear what the doctor said, I was just imagining the worst." I tell him the truth.

"We can go see him now." Griffin adds.

We walk down the halls and to the room Liam's in. He's lying on the bed sleeping. We swarm around him. He stirs awake.

"Hey little buddy. How're you doing?" Sterling says.

"I'm okay." Liam manages to speak.

"You had us really worried." Isaac informs him.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay, Liam." Eli puts in.

I jut stand here, staring down at Liam, smiling. He looks up at me.

"Why are you smiling at me? It's weird." Liam asks.

"Oh, I'm just glad that you're okay."

We stay here in silence for a while. The doctor said that Liam has to spend the night and then if he's better tomorrow, he can go home. But we don't exactly know where "home" is right now. We can't go back to the Pikes' house and we are not going to live with Dad. Sterling said that he had a plan, but so far, I don't have any clue what it is.


We ended up staying the night in a hotel nearby. The doctor let one of us stay with Liam so Griffin decided that he would. In the hotel, we had to get 2 rooms. Both held 4 people, but we had to share beds. Sterling, Noah, Spencer, and Eli stayed in one room while Isaac, Rae, and I stayed in the other.

The 3 of us put out bags down in the room. There were 2 Queen beds, but no pull out couch. That meant that 2 of us had to sleep in one bed unless someone decided to sleep on the floor.

"I'm sleeping in this bed." Rae said as she threw her pillow on the bed by the window.

"Which one of us is sleeping with her?" Isaac directs his question toward me.

"Umm, I guess that's up to Rae. Which one of us would you rather share a bed with." I say.

"Why can't you two share that bed?" She questions.

"No. I am NOT sharing a bed with him." Isaac says sternly.

"Fine. You can sleep alone. Shane, do you mind sharing a bed with me?" Rae stated.

"Uh, yeah. Sure." I stutter. I mean we slept in my bed together before, but this time she asked me to.

I feel butterflies in my stomach as I toss my pillow on the bed. I look over at Isaac and see a scowl plastered on his face. I don't know why he's jealous, he's got a girlfriend. And besides, it's not like I'm sleeping with Rae, we just happen to be sharing a bed.

We get ready for bed around 10 o'clock. After I finished brushing my teeth, Rae went in to brush hers. She closed the door behind her, leaving Isaac and I alone in the room.

"Why are you upset?" I ask, noticing the frown on his face.

"I'm not upset." He is a terrible liar.

"Sure, you're not." I say sarcastically.

"Why would I be? I have a girlfriend. And anyway, Rae's technically our foster sister, so neither of us could date her even if we wanted to." Isaac defends himself.

"Whatever you say, lover boy." I tease.

"I am the lover boy? You're the one who kissed her after knowing her for one day!" Isaac retorts.

"Don't." Anger boils in my stomach.

"Don't what?" He smirked.

"Just cut it out." I say and turn my attention to my phone.

Rae walks out of the bathroom before Isaac could say anything else. She climbs in next to me on the bed. Isaac rolls his eyes and turns away. Before long, Rae is asleep and so is Isaac. I let my eyes drift close and instantly I fall asleep.


In the middle of the night, I woke up to find Rae snuggled up next me. I smile down at her. She's really cute when she sleeps. I shift slightly into a more comfortable position and she wakes up.

"What? What?" She whispers.

"Nothing. It's fine. Go back to bed." She lays her head back down. I do as well. She turns to face me, her eyes still open.

"What?" I ask.

"I don't know, I just like looking at your eyes." I smile when she says that. I tuck a stray hair behind her ear.

Out of nowhere, Rae leans up and kisses me. I kiss her back. She pulls apart and I can see her cheeks go red even in the darkness.

"Sorry." She mumbles.

"It's okay." I manage to say.

Without a second thought, I kiss her again. She kisses back. When we break the kiss, she moves closer to me and I wrap my arm around her. We both fall asleep again. I wish that we could stay like this forever, but, sadly, I know that we'll have to wake up sooner or later. I'm hoping for later.

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