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Amanda's P.O.V

So many thoughts start to run through my head as I watch the boys help Winter. To say that I am worried is the biggest understatement of my life.

I watch as Winter nearly smacks Hayden in the mouth for trying to help her but he dodged it in perfect timing. Sam decides to take hold of Winter and I step forward to stop him from touching her but I realise that he is only helping. She needs the help.

After a few minutes, Winter began to calm down but she is trying to not look at any of us. She isn't even talking either so whatever she had seen on the laptop that caused her to smash it really had an effect on her.

Alec stands next to me at the door while Sam holds Winter down in case she tries to hurt anyone while Cole was cleaning her wounds. Hayden continues to clean the mess around them from Winter's earlier tantrum.

I sigh escaped my lips as Winter keeps her head down.

Why did she do this?


Sam's P.O.V

When I first saw Winter earlier, I panicked. She might hate me right now, but that doesn't stop me caring about her.

I know it was Kate for one reason. When I was on my phone earlier, I saw the video that was posted. I was going to comfort Winter but I knew she wouldn't accept that. She probably wouldn't even listen to me.

I hold onto Winter's hands as her head suddenly shoots up, her legs beginning to move around frantically as she fights back the urge to scream in pain. This doesn't stop Cole from cleaning her wounds and I try to keep her from moving too much.

She could headbutt me right now but that would not stop me from helping her. I wasn't going to lose anyone else.


Winter's P.O.V

I stab the fork into the carrot, shoving it in my mouth with my eyes never leaving Sam's. Amanda notices the eye contact and places her hand on my back, rubbing it as she sips her glass of water.

"This is good." Amanda says about the food, breaking the tension in the air. I agree with her, nodding as I still keep my eyes on Sam.

"Thanks. I thought I burnt it when we went to--wait, never mind." Cole says, standing up with his plate and walking over to the sink. I watch as Sam finally rolls his eyes, standing up and placing both his hands down harshly on the table.

"What is your problem!?"

I rise from my seat as my glare intensifies. "I want answers, you jerk!" I shout, watching as Alec stands and places a hand on Sam's shoulder. Sam is about to say something but Alec is quick to speak.

"Wow, would you look at that? It's way past our bedtime. We have school tomorrow so we should all get our beauty sleep, am I right?" Alec looks around the table and I roll my eyes, walking away from the situation. I know I won't be sleeping but it's not like I can't at least try?


Well, I'm not going to lie. I did try to sleep, but I just didn't work. Now, I'm standing in front of the pool, the water sparkling so beautifully. Thoughts fly around my mind and I begin to wonder if I should get in. It is late, maybe around two in the morning, but I did want to stay dry.

Oh, who cares.

I begin to take my bandages off, slowly unwrapping them as the wind brushes my arms and legs. I place them on the concrete and stare back at the pool. My hands grab the bottom of my singlet and as I am about to take it off, I hear the door open behind me, making me quickly turn around and my hands drop back to my side.

Sam stands there in his dark green boxers. Yep, that's it. No shirt. I shamelessly find myself staring at his body but I look away, remembering what happened at dinner.

"You do realise it's two in the morning, right?" Sam speaks, moving away from the door and towards me. I shrug my shoulders and step back.

"I'm aware. Why are you out here?" I watch as Sam walks past me and sits by the edge of the pool. I stare down at him as he grins at me.

"Can't I roam around my own house?" He raises an eyebrow and I roll my eyes, deciding to join him on the ground.

"Why are you down here?" Sam asks and I shrug. The fact that I have school in a few hours doesn't bother me at all.

"Couldn't sleep." I reply and he nods. Maybe I can get the answers that I want now. "Why did you hit me that night?" I ask and he looks away, obviously wanting to avoid this conversation.

"I don't want-"

"Sam." I cut him off, my tone firm. He looks at me and sighs.

"When I drink, I do stupid shit."

"Doesn't everyone when they're drunk." Sam gives me a harmless glare but continues.

"You reminded me of someone that night. Hell, I'm pretty sure my brothers even know who you reminded me of."

I raise an eyebrow, waiting for him to add something and he says, "Harper..." My mind goes back to the Cinderella book and I continue to listen to Sam. "Harper was the youngest, and in a family where all the eldest are boys, we all knew what we had to do as her brother. Harper had an attitude at times but she had the most innocent face."

I watch as Sam looks ahead, his knees underneath his chin as he continues. "When she came home from school one afternoon, I saw her run straight to my mum and she tried to get through to her but mum was always too busy with work. That's when she came to me and told me that she was pregnant. Harper told me everything: the boy who she slept with, how she was feeling and what she wanted to do. She was only fifteen and that made me angry. Harper knew better. Then I started to drink and every time Harper would come to me for advice, I ended up hurting her." Sam breathes out a shaky breath.

"I made it worse. I never knew she was getting bullied at school and..." Sam looks up, blinking away the tears but they still came running down his face. I didn't know what to do. I stayed silent as Sam kept talking. "She killed herself. The bullying, mum not being home, dad not being there... Everything was too much and she felt like she had no one to talk to. She hardly had any decent friends, she hated me, and she was scared of everyone. Then, one day after school, this girl tagged Harper in something on Facebook. I came across it when I got home and I panicked. No one was home except for me and I knew if I went up to her room, she wasn't going talk to me but I had no choice. The door was unlocked but the bathroom wasn't. Her computer was on her bed, the video was half watched and I started banging on the door and when she didn't answer, I kicked the door open and saw Harper. She was laying in the bath... Blood was all I saw. It was everywhere..." Sam clenches his fists. I look away, my own tears pooling in my eyes.

I didn't know what to say or do. I wasn't good in situations like this.

"What was her full name?"

"Harper Marie Anderson." Sam replies and I smile.

"Beautiful name." I say and smiles back at me.

"Yeah, it was."


A/N - Edited


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