○ chapter fifteen ○

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[ picture of hector ]

Sam's P.O.V

I took out my lighter and my packet of cigarettes while walking towards the big oak tree.

I took a long drag from the cigarette and puffed it out, enjoying the drug that I haven't had for ages.

I was trying to quit. For my mum's sake. I didn't want her knowing one day that I had lung cancer and was going to die. No fucking way. I may be a super bad ass but hey, I love my mother.

I leaned my forehead against the tree, trying to clear my head but my mind was on Winter. I don't know why, it just was. The memories flashed, especially when I hit her. Her reaction replayed over and over in my head but I wanted it to stop...so I screamed.

"FUCK OFF!" I yelled into the darkness and surprisingly, the memories were gone but my head was killing me.

I looked up and looked at the night sky. The stars reminded me of Harper's eyes. How they always sparkled when she smiled.

Once I was done my cigarette, I flicked it onto the ground and stomped on it.

Then something hit me.

Wait, I told Winter I was going to be somewhere...but where?

Fuck it, I'll just take a walk.

Then my mind filled with Winter again then i closed my eyes tight
and held onto the street light.

"SAM!" I heard someone yell but i didn't open my eyes. My head was hurting.

"Sam!" I heard the voice say and I recognised it easily. It was Sally.

"Sam, are you okay?" I opened an eye and looked at Sally. She was wearing her usual blue jeans and grey t-shirt. She was hot but I didn't go for redheads.

"Yeah." I say and stand on my feet, the headache not going away.

"Samuel, Hector's back and the last time I saw the group was outside, with him!" Sally says and I instantly tense up.

Hector Sullivan...

Next thing I know, me and Sally are sprinting back to the party.


Winter's P.O.V

This is not happening. Nope. I'm dreaming. It's all a dream...

"Why are you panicking for?" Hector's voice pulled me out of my thoughts. I slowly looked up at him to see him smirking.

"I'm not going to hurt you." He said and grabbed the top of my dress and pulled it down a little to reveal the scar that was there since I was little. He simply nodded.

"W-why are you here?" I say, my hands started to shake. I was going to get in trouble if Amanda saw. Amanda didn't like Hector one bit and I knew if she saw me talking to him... I couldn't even imagine.

"It's my party. What about you cupcake?" Hector asked and I tightly shut my eyes at the nickname he always called me when we were dating.

"I'm here w-with some friends.." I say and he looks around, mostly behind me like someone was there...

Wait, oh please...

I slowly turned my head to see Amanda, Cole, Alec and Hayden. The boys faces were confused but Amanda's showed complete anger.


"WHAT THE FUCK IS HE DOING HERE!" Amanda almost yelled. I winced a little at her tone but refused to show any weakness at this moment. I had to play it cool, then explain later...

I heard Hector chuckle then saw him walking towards Amanda. "You aren't happy to see me, Amanda?" Hector asked, dragging Amanda's name out as he said it.

"Not one bit!" Amanda said as she started to get in Hector's face.

"Get out of the way Amanda. You know what happened last time..." Hector smiled at Amanda but Amanda just glared.

"Touch her and you will never see daylight again." Hayden said with a glare and Hector started to pull something out of his back pocket.

I froze and I'm pretty sure everyone else did too.


Sam's P.O.V

We were nearly there. Just a few more-

"Get your fucking asses on the ground!" I saw a blonde yell and i knew it was him cause of his smirk.

Then my heart dropped once i saw Winter. Hector was holding her, a gun to her head and a few more people holding Hayden and Amanda while Cole and Alec were on the ground, sending Hector glares.

I wanted to run and get Winter, but i couldnt. Once he saw me, i was done for.

Oh who gives a flying fuck, i wouldnt care if i died...i just needed Winter safe, and thats what i was going to do.


Heyo everyone! Its a really short chapter but its got enough info yeah? I hope you didnt forget about Sally!

Comment and vote if you love this chapter x See you all soon in the next chapter


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