○ chapter thirteen ○

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[ picture of sam's lamborghini ]

Winter's P.O.V

"You alright?" Cole asked me and I nodded, looking at my slightly bruised knuckles. The blood stopped running from my nose and I just needed to get blood off my tank top, which would be pretty hard...that's why Amanda brings a spare shirt in case she does something to the original. It might sound wired but strange things happen in highschool.

We were currently in the girls bathroom and since every single girl was running out the bathroom since there were boys in here, we were alone.

I looked at the tank top and started to take off the bloody one, only to realise that the boys were still here!

I gave Amanda a look which she slightly chuckled at but I'm pretty sure she knew what I was telling her to do.

"Alright boys, get out!" Amanda says and the boys just turn around. I nodded at Amanda. That was enough privacy. I mean, they don't have eyes in the back of their heads, do they?

I quickly took off my top, revealing my black bra and quickly put on the black tank top.

"Finished." I say and turn around and the boys do the same. Amanda links her arm with mine and she smiles at me.

"Let's get to class."


The bell went for home time and I realised that I hadn't seen Kate and Gemma since the fight. Everyone wasn't staring at me much but some people actually said hi. It surprised me at first but at least they weren't teasing me right?

"So there is a party tonight..." Amanda trailed off and I put my hand up in surrender.

"You ain't taking me to any party!" I say and Amanda chuckles.

"I promise you, it will be the best first party you will ever go to. Nearly the whole school is gonna be there. Even though it's on a Monday..." Amanda said and tilted her head in confusion at her last words while I ran a hand through my hair before Hayden gasped.

"You have never been to a party!? Have you been living under a rock?" Hayden asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Obviously she doesn't go to parties! She doesn't even swear, like, what the absolute fuck?" Sam said in a bored tone and I slapped his arm.

"I have sworn." I say and Sam looked at me with amusement filling eyes eyes. "Oh really?" I nod and he stares at me waiting for me to continue.

But I bowed my head down in shame. "Your right." I say and Amanda groans.

"Just say shit." Amanda says and I look at her for a good 2 minutes before shaking my head.

"Nah, I'm good." I say and start to walk out of school towards the cars.


"Please just come! I will love you forever!" Amanda pleads sitting on the floor while I lay on the pink bed.

Sam was currently reading my throne of glass book and now I have to find the page again when I retrieve it back. Alec was sitting at the end of the bed, Hayden was putting his arms around Amanda, his chin on her shoulder and Cole was on his phone.

"No. Am I'm pretty sure everyone with get drunk and leave me getting smothered by strangers!" I say and Alec laughs.

"I can totally imagine that." I push Alec off the bed with my foot, making him groan as his body hit the floor.

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