○ chapter twenty five ○

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Winter's P.O.V

"Holy shit."

"I didnt expect that..."

"Same here."

Everyones reactions made me embarrassed. Now i am wishing i didnt tell them. I looked at Amanda. She didnt say anything. She scared me.

"Amanda...say something." I pleaded. She didnt even look at me. I was panicking and my heart was racing more and more. I needed to here Amanda's voice right now.

"Amanda?" I asked again but this time she looked up at me, her face expression didnt show any emotion. It was blank. Then she spoke.

"Can everyone get out please?" Cole, Hayden and Alec stood up and left straight away without a word. The door closed and i sat next to Amanda.

"Please say something. I wanna know what is happening in that brain of yours! Whats on your mind?" I asked impatiently. My leg was bouncing up and down like i was high on candy.

"Why didnt you tell me..." Amanda looked at me and i frowned.

"I was embarrassed. Crying over a little thing like that-" Amanda held her hand up to stop me from saying more.

"I mean about the feelings...why?" I looked away from Amanda.

'I was scared i was falling for the wrong person.' I wanted to say but i couldnt bring myself to it.

"I didnt know if the feelings were actually there." I lied. I looked at Amanda and she looked at me.

"Tell me the truth, Winter." She said calmly but inside i knew she was fuming. She never liked it when people lied to her and since she could read me like a book, she knew i was lying.

"Sam wasnt the person i would usually fall for. I would go for the silent ones, the good ones, the nice ones. But i knew they wouldnt go for me since i had a past that would haunt me. I knew this when i saw Hector at the party. I knew he was purposely looking for me. I just knew. And i knew i had feelings for Sam when i started to hang out with him and when i saw the good side to him. Not the angry, selfish and arrogant one." I paused to look at Amanda. She nodded, a sign for me to continue.

"And when i started to hang out with him more, the feelings developed into stronger ones and i knew one small thing would break me. And she did. That girl. Whoever she was made my heart shatter into a million pieces. I was so fragile, i knew i would eventually break sooner or later. And i did." Amanda put her hands on my sjoulder and sighed.

"I hate seeing you like this Winter. After everything, i knew you had some special connection with one of these boys. But Sam is trouble and he is just going to disrespect you and hurt you like he does to everyone else." Amanda smiled at me and hugged me.

"The best thing for you right now is to focus on something else then him. Maybe call your mom and just talk to her. I hate to say this but i think you should stop hanging out with Sam and just ignore him. Lose the feelings. Its just gonna make you more upset. Its for the best Winter. You know i want to see you happy. Be happy! Show me you can be a strong, independent girl." I smiled at her words. She was right.

I needed to loose the feelings. I needed to keep my ming of Sam. He is trouble. I need to be happy for my own sake.

"You okay?" Amanda asked and i nodded.

"Thank you."

"Dont mention it." Amanda smiled at me before leaving my room. I laid down and fished out my phone from my pocket and dialed Mom's number.


Sam's P.O.V

"Thanks for before." I rolled my eyes and nodded.

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