○ chapter forty four ○

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Winter's P.O.V

"Amanda, I honestly don't know why you aren't answering but I just want you to know, I am not mad with you. I just want an explanation. Please call me back." I say and hung up the phone. I place my phone on my desk and lay back in my bed, pulling the sheets over my body.

It has been a three days since my argument with Sam had went down. I don't even know why he was acting like this! Bradley may like me, or he may not. I don't know but I trusted Bradley and Sam should trust me! I went through so many heart breaks and I cried so much over him and now he is mine and I am his. But, no he still has to be stubborn. I love him and not Bradley. I would never choose Bradley over Sam. Yes, me and Sam have had a lot of ups and downs but seriously? Trying to make me stay away from him is ridiculous. He is a friend!

When I walked out of Sam's room after the argument, I went to my room and I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking of everything he had said and what I had said. I had cussed, for the first time! It may have been so wrong but it felt so good. What? You couldn't blame me for swearing, I have been living with 4 bad boys for nearly a year now!

So when I finally fell asleep, I had this really weird dream. It had Sam and Bradley in it and we were at some place and Bradley and Sam were arguing. When they finally calmed down, instead of Sam coming over to me and holding my hand, Bradley did. I didnt know why I had that dream but it was a little scary. I didnt want anyone else than Sam but it was like my dream was showing me what it would be like to date Bradley. When we left the place, we headed to a really nice restaurant then we went to bowling. I saw myself smiling and laughing and that made me worried. Did I like Bradley?

No, that could never happen. I was in love with Sam.

Anyway, when I had woke up, it was awkward between Sam and I. We didn't look at each other and we didn't talk at all. I noticed everyone was curious and I felt like telling my mom but... I wasn't ready yet. We had just started dating and I don't want my mom going all hulk and protective. That's why I told Alec first. He understood my situation but he said that Sam would come around. Well, when he did, I am expecting an apology.

The no contact and no talking went on the next day and Bradley had seen me. He wanted to take me out, spent more time with me. It didn't feel awkward because Bradley seemed like himself, his charming, smiling and happy self. He had taken me to the movies where we had watched Fast and Furious 7. It was really good and I loved it. After, we went to go get some pizza and after, he dropped me off home. Nothing happened and I was thankful. I had told Bradley about Sam and I and he had said, and I quote, 'I wouldn't blame him, Winter. He has a point.'

That had scared me a lot but I pushed the thought away. Bradley seemed like the nice type so I didn't like of it that much. I just went on with my night. When I had entered the house, all eyes were on me, except for Sam's. His jaw was tight though and his fist was clenched. I knew he hated the idea of me and Bradley hanging out but like I said before, he should trust me.

Today, I have been staying in my room, cuddling with my little precious puppy while I tried to call Amanda. She never picked up though. I was really getting tired of her ignoring me because all I wanted was an explanation to why she had left. She probably just thinks she is going to get an ear bashing which is not what I am planning to do. I just want to talk.

Suddenly, I heard Snowflake bark and I look to see that she was at the door, barking and scratching the door. I sighed and called her over but she didn't listen. I walked over to the door and picked up Snowflake and set her in my arms and opened the door.

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