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Winter's P.O.V

It's been a week since Sam and I talked. Kate and Gemma haven't been bullying me lately since Cole forced me to hang out with them from now on. The boys reported the video from Facebook and they took it down, which has made me happy. I even explained everything to my mother. She wasn't happy about some of the things I said, and has promised to call me every night to check up on me. Even though the only time she can talk is around midnight, I don't complain.

Sam and I have been getting along too, mainly because we have been trying to find this Daniella girl who bullied Harper in school. We found out that she is related to Damien, which didn't make the boys too happy and said that they will say something when Monday comes.

I explained the story to Amanda and she hasn't been having any arguments with Sam. Well, only small, pointless things, of course. Alec and I have clicked very well too. I play Call of Duty with him almost everyday and still beat him. I love seeing his reactions because he leaves the room with annoyance every time, but never fails to come back to play another game.

Recently, Cole has been giving me driving lessons. I feel bad when I end up scraping his rims on the gutter when I park though but he never gets mad. He always says that I'm learning and that it's normal to not be perfect when you first start driving.

Hayden and I haven't been talking as much as I have done with the other brothers but we still know where we stand with each other. We aren't friends but we don't hate each other either.

"Winter! We have to go!" I hear Cole yell from downstairs. I grab my bag and meet everyone at the front door. Cole decided that we should spend our Saturday at the beach, so that's what we are doing.

Amanda greets me with a gentle hug, "Hey, Winter... Guess what?"

I wrap my arms around her, the smell of her perfume hitting me instantly. "What?"

"Hayden asked me out." Amanda whispers in my ear, making me pull away and look at her in shock.

"Isn't that too sudden? You hardly know him." I reply, my eyebrows furrowing. Amanda shrugs, the grin on her face not leaving. Is she crushing on him that hard already?

"I know enough." Amanda says. I stare at her, dumb-founded. "Don't worry, I'll be careful." Amanda smiles, tapping my shoulder. I sigh, knowing I can't stop her. It's her choice, her life.

I meet eyes with Cole and he holds the keys up, a grin on his face. "Want to drive?"

Everyone is quick to jump in, their 'no's' making me laugh. We head out and put everything in the car, ready to head to the beach.


"I could have been in the driver's seat, you know?" I say to Alec, hearing him chuckle beside me.

"I don't think today is the day that everyone is planning their death."

"Yeah, I know, right? You really want Winter to kill us, Cole?" Amanda asks as she smacks Cole's shoulder.

"I'm not that bad." I say as I put my hands up in surrender. Alec laughs, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." Alec says and I roll my eyes. I look to my left and see Sam with his eyes closed, drowning himself in the music that's in his ears.

I tap his shoulder. Instantly, without even opening his eyes, he takes out an earphone and hands it to me. I smile, not knowing how he knew I was going to ask to listen. My smile immediately turns into a grin when I hear Eminem play.

"I never knew you liked Eminem." I say to Sam watching him open an eye to look at me.

"That's because you don't know anything about me." Sam says, closing his eye and relaxing into the seat. I take the earphone out of his ear and whisper, "I know you call that teddy bear of yours 'Chuck'."

Sam's eyes open instantly, staring at me with confusion. He snatches the earphone off me and glares at me. "How do you know that?"

"I live with you, remember?"


I groan, running a hand down my face as Amanda and Hayden continue to make-out in front of me.

"Cole!" I sigh and he looks in the review mirror, rolling his eyes at the sight.

"Hayden didn't brush his teeth this morning." Cole says, making me laugh when I see Amanda pull away from Hayden in a heartbeat.

"Ew, you're despicable!" Amanda says as she narrows her eyes at Hayden.

"Fuck you, Cole!" Hayden groans, looking out the window. I look over to my right and watch as Alec continues to swipe across his phone, the little man on his screen continuing to jump over trains to collect the coins. When he runs into something, Alec groans. He meets my eyes and I grin at him. He rolls his eyes, understanding my look and passes me the phone.

We continue to play back and forth until Cole beeps the horn, making us look up to realise that we have reached out destination.




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