○ chapter twenty nine ○

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[ gif of alec ]

Winter's P.O.V

"Winter." I heard a voice say my name, causing my laziness to kick in. Without rasing my head, I waved them off with a motion of my hand. I suddenly felt a soft hand grab mine and that made me raise my head and see Amanda who was looking down at me with a worried expression. I snatched my hand away and laid back on the desk.

"Why are you here?" Amanda asked me and my jaw clenched at that question and I looked up again.

"I really dont know Amanda, why am I here?" I snapped causing Amanda to step back in shock.

I wouldn't be suprised by her reaction. I saw it coming. I would never snap at her, not my best friend. But something in me just wanted to let the anger out and that anger was accidentally thrown at Amanda.

I laid my head back down and sighed. "I'm sorry." I heard Amanda sigh and I heard a chair being pulled out and placed near the table. I turned my head and laid in on my folded arms, looking at Amanda.

"What happened? I didn't expect to find you in detention on the first day."

"Neither did I." I growled with a roll of my eyes. Amanda placed her hands on the table and looked into my eyes.

"Are you going to tell me or are you going to be grumpy all day?" I sighed and now rested my chin on my arms, looking at the board in front of me.

"These girls kept staring at me in front of me. I felt the whole class stare at me, even the teacher! Then a tall blonde who reminded me of Gemma walked in and all the eyes were on her, making me go back to my work then I heard the blonde say 'who is the freak?', then all eyes were on me and guess what, the teacher didnt bother stopping the blonde so I thought she was on her side and I snapped. I felt like i didn't belong, just like how the dark skinned people thought when they were being treated like crap by the white people. I felt like I wasn't normal and now the center of attention. Then the teacher put my name on the board for yelling and everyone laughed and teased me." I said through gritted teeth.

"I want to go home and no not Emmaree's house. I wanna go home, with my mother!" Tears started prickling at my eyes and I bit my lip once the first few tear drops started to fall.

"I-I don't want t-to be here a-anymore!" I sobbed into my jacket. Amanda hugged me tight, making me cry on her shoulder.

The only person right now I trusted, my life saver, my best friend was the only person I could lean on right now.

"Please don't leave me. Please Amanda." I cried, the warm tears running down my lips making me hiccup. Amanda ran a hand down my now knotty hair and held me close to her.

"I promise." I heard Amanda say as I continued to cry.

That strong, independent, caring girl was down the drain again, and now, the girl who was sensitive, sad, depressed and felt like she didn't belong anywhere was now back. Blocking everyone with the brick walls that she had put up. Her trust for some people were so little now. The only two people she had in her life now where the two people who have been there since day one. My best friend and my mom.

No. One. Else.


I walked lazily with Amanda towards the canteen, feeling all the eyes on me once again. I probably looked like crap but I didn't care.

I was a freak from the start.

Amanda glared at everyone who was staring and they snickered before turning to their friends. I gave Amanda a weak smile and she put an arm around my shoulder, making me lay my head on it as she gave me a smile back.

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