○ chapter fifty ○

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Winter's P.O.V

I walk into the house and slam the door behind me. I see my mom's head pop out of the kitchen and she walks over to me. "Whats wrong?" She asks and I sigh, shaking my head.

"Nothing." I say and try to walk around my mom but she stops me by holding her hands on my shoulders. She raises an eyebrow and frowns slightly.

"Your not a good liar, Winter. Please tell me, I am your mother. You should be able to tell me anything." My mom sighs and brings me into a hug. I sigh too and hug her back.

"Hayden's angry at me. All I asked was what was wrong because he looked so worried but instead of getting a simple answer, he yelled at me." I say, biting my bottom lip. To make this sound a little more better, I didn't like when someone close to me was angry at me. Hayden and I were good friends and I honestly don't like when my friends ignore me, it gets me worried.

"Calm down, baby. It's okay. I have known that little guy ever since he was born and trust me, after a few days, he will come around." My mom smiles but I frown at her. My mom sighs and pulls me over to the couch and makes me lay on her lap. I look up at her and she give me a small smile.

"You want to know something? The reason I sent you to Becky's was because I knew those boys would get you out of your shell, your barrier that you have been holding up for so long. I knew they could do that. I knew that your life may be slightly different but it was a good different that I was thinking. The past has probably made you regret some things and doubt things but look at you now. Ever since Kyle passed, you have been hiding behind walls and locking yourself in your room doing god knows what. I was so worried about you. But when you met those boys, they brought back my baby girl. My little soldier who was always happy and confident and didn't care about anything anyone said about you. They broke down your walls, even though you got hurt in the process, they broke down those walls you had up and guess what? It's like I am seeing myself." My mom says, stroking my hair as she looks ahead, staring at the wall full of pictures of me, Kyle and mom.

"What do you mean? Like, you were in the same situation as me?" I ask, confused. My mom smiles and nods.

"Yes. When I had lost my father, I was in such a terrible state. I was upset all the time and I never talked to anyone. I shut everyone out and I looked myself in my room all day. I hardly ate or went outside. I was upset for a long time until your Aunt Rebecca came and helped me out. She let me stay at her house for a while and she helped me fix myself up. There was also this boy who was Rebecca's best friend and he was so mute but so handsome..." My mom smiles weakly and I couldn't help but speak.

"It was dad, wasn't it?" I ask and my mom nod.

"Ryan was so quiet but that only led me to want to know more. I had forced him to talk to me, he talked back but only with short responses. He was a real jerk of course but that was only the facade. He took my mind of all the depressing thoughts with my father and that made me want to spend time with him. Ryan made me break down my walls to only get to know him better."

"Wait, what are you trying to say?" I ask and my mom laughs.

"I honestly don't know. I just feel like we both need to get our minds of things." My mom grins and I chuckle and nod. I sit up and hug my mom and she hugs me back.

"I love you so much. Don't ever forget that." My mom says and I smile and kiss her cheek.

"I know and I love you too." I say and we both separate and sit on the couch properly. It was silent and I found it awkward but luckily, I didn't have to start the conversation.

"So, I received a message today..." My mom starts and I look at her, curiosity filling my expressions.

"I'm not in trouble, am I?" I ask and my mom shakes her head, chuckling. I sigh in relief and my mom turns to me, a big smile on her face.

"Why didn't you tell me your going to prom with Sam?" My mom squeals and I smile at her but shrug.

"I forgot." I say and my mom rolls her eyes. "Sure you did. Oh, Amanda said she will come over tonight. She doesn't know when but she will be staying for a little while." My mom says and my eyes widen with excitement.

Just as I was about to speak, the doorbell rang and I couldn't help but squeal, when I felt that feeling that it was going to be Amanda.

How funny would that be?

I hold the door handle and my mom smiles next to me. I swing the door open and a man stood at the door, a small smile on his face. I frown and furrow my eyebrows.

"Who are yo-"



Sam's P.O.V

I walk into the house and follow Hayden up stairs. "You know you don't have to keep following me." Hayden speaks and I roll my eyes.

"Tell me what's wrong and I will stop." I say and follow him into his room. I close the door behind me and sit on the bed.

"I don't have to tell you shit." Hayden says and I raise an eyebrow.

"You don't have to tell me but at least apologize to Winter. She was just trying to help and you had to be a dick." I say with a frown and Hayden glares at me.

"I swear, you have changed so much. You were like this guy who was tough on the outside and tough on the inside too." Hayden starts and I groan.

"Don't start this shit again-"

"You were so rebellious, you know? You used to go to parties, have a great time, not worry about anything and just get drunk. Now, you have Winter and she is holding you back. You never go for those types of girls, Sam." Hayden took a beer out of his mini fridge and opened it.

"And what type of girls do I go for then, aye?" I ask, getting slightly annoyed. Whatever made him upset is now affecting him and he is trying to make everyone else miserable. Just like he always did when something made him angry or upset.

"Not her type. You don't go for the good girls. You like the crazy ones, the ones that can show you a good time-"

"Okay, stop right there. First of all, I do like the crazy girls but-"

"Then come with me. There's a party tonight and I feel like getting wasted. Show me you still like those sexy, crazy girls. Prove it." Hayden smirks and I narrow my eyes at him.

"Your crazy, dude." I say and stand up but Hayden grabs my wrist. "Fine, just come and have a good time. You don't have to sleep with anyone, just spend time with your brother." Hayden says and I sigh. He knows I can't resist parties but I couldn't just go when I have so much things on my mind.

"Is that a yes?" Hayden asks and I look down at him and run my hands down my face. "Fine." I say and he smirks and pats my back before heading out of his room.


What do you think is going to happen at the party? And Winter's dad is back! Oh god! What do you think is going to happen?

Please vote and comment if you liked this chapter! Love you all and see you in the next chap!


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