○ chapter twenty six ○

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Winter's P.O.V

"Good morning girls." Emmaree chirped as she cracked and egg into the pan. I smiled and smelt the food. It smelt amazing!

Amanda sat on the stool and laid her head down. "My gosh, i didnt get any sleep." Amanda yawned and i sat down next to her with a frown.

"Why?" I asked, suspicious. Amanda rose an eyebrow and looked at me. "Do you even know what you do while you sleep? Its like your trying to push me off the bed!" Amanda groaned and yawned again. I chuckled.

"Sorry, i wasnt sleeping well." I said with a little frown and Amanda laughed.

"Thats the last time i am ever sleeping with you again, Winter Monroe." Amanda said and i whined at the sound if my full name. "Amanda, you know i dont like my full name said." I whined again and Amanda rolled her eyes.

"Thats what you get for kicking me last night." Amanda said and now it was my turn to roll my eyes.

I looked around the room and notice Alec was sleeping on the couch in the lounge room. I frowned and turned to Emmaree. "Emmaree, why is Alec sleeping on the couch?" I asked and she turned around and frowned at the sight of her grandson sleeping in an uncomfortable position on the lounge.

"I really dont know? He seemed angry...probably didnt want to go up stairs to his room." Emmaree guessed and i shrugged then turned to Amanda.

"Hey Manda, can Alec come shopping with us today?" I asked and she sat up striaght and eyed me carefully like i was up to something.

"Why?" Amanda asked as she narrowed her eyes at me some more. I shrugged.

"I thought it would be nice for Alec to join in on the amazing day that is ahead of us today." I smiled and Amanda looked at Alec then at me and sighed.

"Fineee." She groaned and i hugged her and thanked her too. I stood up and went over to Alec who was sleeping like a baby. I smiled.

"Alec!" I whispered softly and shook his body trying wake him up.

"Your not gonna wake him up like that." I looked up to ses the owner of the voice to see Hayden yawning. His bed hair was sticking out everywhere as he rubbed his eyes, trying to get the sleep out of them. He was wearing sweatpants and a white singlet that showed off his tanned arms. I furrowed my brows but chuckled.

"The dont stand there, wake him up." I said and he glared at me in a playful way as he bend down next to me. Then out of no where, Hayden grabbed Alec's arms and pulled him off the couch making me jump in shock.

Alec shook his head and opened his eyes. I was still looking at Hayden in horror.

'What is wrong with you!' I wanted to say but at least he woke Alec up...wait? I am on Hayden's side of this! No!

"Who...what...w-why?" Alec mumbled as he stood up and rubbed his eyes. I looked at Alec smiled.

"I want to ask you if you want to come to the mall with me and Amanda?" I said with a smile still plastered on my face. He looked at me and frowned.

"Wouldnt that make things weird?" Alec replied in his tired tone. I furrowed my brows and tilted my head.

"How would that make things wierd?" I asked and Alec waved me off.

"Dont worry, ill come." I smiled and hugged Alec. "Thank you Alec."


"Oh my god!" Amanda squealed and i closed my eyes at how loud she was. She was right next to me, picking out some clothes and all of a sudden, she screamed making me think if she is trying to make me deaf!

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