Not Fair

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"You're such a loser."

"I don't see why a stupid girl like you was born."

"I think you should die for everyone's sake."

"You're so stupid."

I sat at my desk as I was called these disgusting names and hurtful comments. It's not fair. I didn't do anything to them. Was it because of my pink hair? No, that can't be it. Sakura has pink hair too. Is it because I can read their minds? No, they don't know about that. So what is it?

I sat alone in the front row. My only friend here is Naruto but he's late today, so I'm alone. Oh, sorry. I didn't introduce myself yet. My name's Miu Shimizu. I'm twelve years old. Well actually, I'm turning thirteen today. But I don't celebrate my birthday.

Not anymore anyways. My parents died that day. Well, they didn't die, but they're dead to me. Last time I celebrated my birthday, a bunch of kids from my class gave me birthday punches. So you could say I hate celebrating my birthday.

I rested my cheek on my knuckles as I was off in thought. I was able to read a few minds as I was being... bored. I don't think we'll be starting class anytime soon since Naruto was still being chased. I sighed and got up from my seat.

"Hey idiot, class is going to start soon!" Sakura screamed at me. "She doesn't have a brain, remember? Of course she wouldn't know that." a boy said to her. I quickly walked out the door, towards the playground.

I could hear the hurtful comments being called at me as I walked away. Once I got to the playground, I sat on the swing and lightly began to swing back and forth. "Bark!" I lifted my head up a little, spotting a dog in front of me.

"You're different, right? You won't bully me." I said to it. He walked over to me and rested his head on my lap. I gently petted his head. "I hope things will be alright between us." I said. I got off the swing and hugged him. I let go of him and looked at his doggy face.

"How about... we be friends?" I suggested. "Ruki, come here boy!" The dog turned around and ran toward its owner. "I guess.. I'll see you later then." I said sadly. I began to walk back to the academy.

When I was about to open the door, I stopped. I can't go back in there. They'll all laugh at me. Scared, I ran off. I headed to a big open room and sat by the window. I sighed to myself and began to sing:

"Leave me alone" I cried "and please quit teasing me!"

Shivering up and down, I couldn't do a thing

Why am I so afraid of being left behind?

Sometimes I think that "bravery" just doesn't like me

We were the same, a dog abandoned in the rain

Reaching a hand, I begged for him to know my pain

Holding him tight, I whispered shaking in the night

"You're different, right? You won't bully me and things will be alright"

"How 'bout you and me be friends?"

"But we'll never have to use any words"

"Although I've still got things to speak"

I just couldn't see the tragedy soon to be

I heard it loud and soon had come to find

These voices that had knocked at my mind

"Wow, they're really rotten!" "Cheat 'em and you leave 'em"

"You're the worst" "Just die, make my day!"

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