Sakura the Bully

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Miu's POV

I stayed in my room for the rest of the night. I didn't come out to talk to anyone. Mainly, all I did was write a few things in my journal. I heard the door knock. "Miu, are you okay?" Crap, it's Sasuke! What do I do?! What do I do?! 

I quickly got in the bed and pulled the covers over me, pretending to be asleep. I heard Sasuke walk in. "Going to bed without dinner? Now, I'm really concerned." Sasuke said. I kept my eyes closed to make it look like I was sleeping.

He walked over to me and stopped by my bed. My eyes remained closed. I almost snapped my eyes open when I felt him lightly kiss my forehead. He walked away and out of the room, closing the door behind him. I sat up and rubbed my face, trying to stop blushing.

Why is he so interested in me all of a sudden? I mentally smacked myself. I looked out the window, seeing it was already dark. I sighed and fell back on the bed. I stared at the ceiling. A little after awhile, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

The next morning, I woke up pretty early and headed outside. I walked out towards the woods then sat down cross-legged. I put myself inside a genjutsu.

(Miu's Mind)

I opened my eyes and looked at the flower field I was in. "It's nice, but it could use a bit more... details." I said to myself. I did some hand signs then slammed both my hands on the ground. It shook violently like an earthquake, and the whole place began to change.

I opened my eyes and looked up. There was now a trail and trees. I saw butterflies and small white rabbits. That's strange. I didn't know I could summon animals here too. I wonder where that trail leads too though? I began to follow the trail.

Sasuke's POV

"Hey, is Miu-chan still in bed?" Naruto asked. "She's still in her room? Is she feeling okay? She didn't come down for dinner last night." Tsunami said. "Miu is probably just being weird, as usual." Sakura said. "I'm gonna go check on her." I said quickly before leaving the table.

I knocked on Miu's door once I got to her room. "Miu, are you okay?" I asked. No answer. "Miu?" I opened her door. Her bed was empty and it was neatly made. She must have gotten up before any of us. I went back to the kitchen and towards the door.

"Sasuke, where are you going?" Sakura asked me. "Out." I answered quickly before going out the door. "Miu?" I called. I began to walk forward. Where could she have gone?

(Miu's Mind, Miu's POV)

I continued to follow the trail until I found a small temple up ahead. "Hmm?" I hummed, curious. I walked towards the temple then opened the door. "Whoa.." I stared at the room in amazement. It looked beautiful.

The room was beautiful pink and light purple and there was a small bed. This lead to me think if anyone lives here? But how can they? I created this place myself. I face palmed. I guess this is meant for me.

I wonder what else I could find in here? "Your skills have improved, Princess. I'm quite impressed." I turned around. "Hello? Who said that?" I called. "I did. Although, you can't see me now because it's not our time yet. I'll show myself to you when the time does come." (Soon to be revealed).

I raised a brow. Who the hell is talking? "Can you at least tell me your name please?" I asked. "I'm afraid it's not time for that either, Princess. I'm sorry." the voice apologized. "Are you an enemy?" I asked. "Of course not, Princess. But you can consider me as your friend." it said.

I nodded shyly. "Okay." I answered. "Miu, are you okay?" I looked up at the ceiling. Sasuke? He must be talking to my original body that's outside this world. "I have to go now. It was nice talking to you.. sort of." I said to the voice.

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