In Love

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It's been a few days and Itachi and Sasori have been training me to be stronger and to control my powers. So far, they told me that I catch on quickly and my skills were improving quickly. Almost too fast.

That was getting me worried because I wasn't supposed to be improving this quickly. Right now, Itachi and I were fighting each other, using everything we've got. I activated my wings and flew towards the ceiling so I dodged the kunai knives Itachi threw at me.

Itachi threw shuriken at me this time and I used my telekinetic powers to stop them. I made them burst into dust, then quickly did some hand signs. "Ninja Art: Flower Dance!" Small pink flower petals darted towards Itachi.

The petals were sharp like a kunai knife, so I was hoping it would do Itachi some damage. But Itachi, being the skilled and smart ninja he was, managed to dodge all the flower petals. I noticed his Sharingan was activated.

"I should've known." I mumbled to myself. I threw a smoke bomb to the ground, then swooped down to Itachi, preparing to attack him. "That's enough for now." Sasori said at the last moment.

I stopped in my tracks with a kunai knife near Itachi's throat while he had a knife near my throat as well. "Good thing I stopped you two just in time. It looked like you two were going for the kill." Sasori mentioned as Isuke was on his shoulder.

My wings disappeared, allowing me to hop on the floor. "You're an excellent fighter, Miu." Itachi commented. "So are you. I don't think anyone can beat you if they fought against you." I said, smiling. "Thank you." He smiled back.

"All right, enough with the compliments. We need to get you back to the Leaf Village before your friends think you got kidnapped or something." Sasori said. "Right. I hope we get to fight each other again, Itachi." I said, giving a bow.

"I wish the same." Itachi said back, bowing as well. "Let's go already. I don't like to be kept waiting." Sasori said impatiently. "Right. Sorry, Sasori." I said, jogging over to him. Isuke hopped off his shoulder and onto mine.

"Let's go. I want to get there before the sun sets." Sasori said. I gave a nod and followed him out the base. 

After walking for a few hours, we were approaching the Leaf Village border. "This is about as far as I can take you. Use your wings to fly the rest of the way." Sasori advised. "Right. Ready, Isuke?" I asked him.

"Whenever you are, Princess." Isuke replied. "Okay, hold on tight." I activated my wings and dashed into the air. "You're getting better and better when using these wings, Princess. I'm very proud of you." Isuke praised.

I let out a soft giggled and flew towards the hospital to pay Sasuke a visit. When I spotted the hospital, I flew behind the building and made my wings disappear, jumping to the ground. I walked inside the hospital and towards the front desk.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for Sasuke Uchiha's room. Do you know where I can find it?" I asked the lady at the front desk. She smiled at me and told me the room number. I walked down the hallway until I reached Sasuke's room.

When I opened the door, I couldn't believe my eyes. Sasuke was awake and well. "Sasuke!" Sakura cheered, hugging him by the neck. I felt a sting of jealously stab my heart when she hugged him. I quickly left the room.

"Are you all right, Princess?" Isuke asked. "Yes, I'm fine." I confirmed. I walked down the hall, heading to Kakashi's room. "Kakashi, may I come in?" I asked, opening the door slightly. "Miu. Hey, there. Come on in." Kakashi said.

I let myself in and approached him. "How have you been?" He asked me. "Good. Sasuke's awake and he seems to be doing well. How are you feeling?" I asked him. "If you want the truth, I've been better." Kakashi said with a small chuckle.

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