Miu Shimizu has always been picked on by her classmates and for what? She didn't do anything to antagonize them and she's not after the number one rookie in the academy. Miu is just a shy girl who keeps things to herself. Hell, she hardly talks.
I sobbed as I held Isuke's corpse in my arms. "Isuke! Isuke!!"
"Oh, give it a rest, Miu! It's just a dumb doll! Who plays with those things anyway? Stop crying over a stuffed animal!" Chi yelled at me. I had unfroze time some time ago, just so I could hold Isuke one last time.
"Isuke..!" I sobbed louder as I held him tighter. I heard Chi 'tch'. I turned my head slightly as she had her fist raised back, ready to punch me. "Not this time." I murmured. I focused on her fist and it broke to pieces.
She screamed in pain and terror as her hand dropped to the ground. "W-What the hell?! M-My hand!" Chi said, holding her wrist as she took a step back. "You can't hurt me anymore with that hand." I said, glaring at her.
I bit my thumb, drawing blood, and slammed my hand down on the ground. Smoke filled the air until it disappeared as it showed that we were in a different room. A room where only Chi and I could "talk". It was actually my genjutsu.
I stood a few feet away from Chi as I was in my curse mark form with green hair. "Hands like hers are usually meant to be gentle, help others, and protect the ones they love. But instead, you've used your hand to hurt a young girl with no sin." Orochimaru said as he appeared behind me.
"Miu... what's going on?" Chi asked. "Those hands of hers didn't show any signs of being gentle. Chi never did help me. But she did help her friends beat me. But what I don't understand is why? Why hurt me?! I didn't do anything wrong! I just wanted to be happy!" I snapped.
"Miu, I... I wasn't proud with what I was doing with you. I only wanted to impress my friends so I didn't look like a loser. I never meant to hurt you." Chi excused. "Yeah, right..." I said, coldly, glaring at her. She flinched as she took a step back.
"I know you enjoyed watching Akira carve the word 'ugly' into my chest as you held me down. That was fun for you, wasn't it?" I said.
"So, what if I did do that?! Because of you, things never worked out for me. I wanted to be the one who got attention. But because of you, Sasuke cared about you and ignored me. If you didn't exist, Sasuke would've been with me!" Chi said.
My eyes widened. "The fact that you exist has always gotten in the of my happiness! Everyone in this village hates you! No one ever liked you! Not the old man at the ramen shop, not Iruka-sensei, not even the Hokage!"
I gritted my teeth as tears started to roll down my face while the words went into my ears. "Just die! Stop existing! We all hate you! Make everyone's lives simpler by just dropping dead already!" Chi yelled. I cried as I lowered my head, my bangs covering my eyes.
"It appears this is Chi's true nature. She'll do whatever it takes to make you unhappy. So, Miu? Is this girl you call a human being innocent or guilty?" Orochimaru asked.
The happy memories of me and Isuke went through my mind. I'd do anything to have him with me again. I looked at Chi with hate as the tears kept spilling down my face. "That unforgivable bitch! Chi is guilty! There's no way she's innocent!" I snapped.
"Very well, Miu Shimizu. But that form doesn't suit you at the moment. We need something more suitable for your goal of revenge." Orochimaru said. He snapped his fingers and snakes surrounded me.
After a few seconds, they retreated and my entire curse mark form was different.
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