Save Me, Please

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Miu's POV

Where am I? I looked around until I spotted my body in a hospital bed with Isuke curled up beside me. Oh, I get it. I'm dead, aren't I? No, because I'm still here. But I know I won't last much longer. I had a feeling my time would come sooner or later.

It's probably for the best. What should I do until my time is up? I guess I could roam around until I slip away. I sighed sadly as I floated to the Hokage Mountain. I left my journal up there and I want to see if it's where I left it. But when I got there, my journal was gone.

Where'd it go? I guess the wind must've carried it off. Well, I won't be needing it anymore since I'll be dying soon. I floated to the Akatsuki base and went into a random room. I saw Sasori carving a puppet out of wood.

I wonder how he's going to feel once he finds out his cousin will be dead? I decided to give him a hug before I move on. Even though he won't feel it, I still want to be with him one more time. I floated over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Goodbye, Sasori. I'll miss you." I said, resting the side of my head on his temple. "I love you." I whispered. I floated towards the wall, and into some other room. When I saw Itachi, I knew I was in his room. He sat at his desk as he read a book.

"Itachi... It looks like we won't be able to fight each other again. I'm sorry." I said with a sad smile. Tears began to leave my eyes.

"I'm such an idiot. I was foolish to think I could be happy. I'm such a naïve, ugly, stupid, worthless ninja who deserves to rot in Hell. Heaven isn't even the place for me." I said as I wiped my eyes. Itachi looked up from his book and turned his head towards me.

Can he see me? "Who's there?" He demanded. I continued to cry. There's no point in trying to be quiet when he can see nor hear me. Itachi looked around the room before activating his Sharingan.

He looked around the room again until his eyes landed on me. "Miu?" Itachi said. I gasped. He can see me? "Itachi." I answered. "What happened to you?" He asked me. "I jumped off the Hokage Mountain." I answered.

"You committed suicide?"

"Yes. I'm sorry. At the moment, it looks like I'm in a coma. For now, it looks like I'm a ghost. At least until my heart stops beating."

"No, you're not a ghost."


"You're in an astral projection. You're not dead yet."

I looked at my feet. "I see. How long do I have?" I asked him. "At least a few more hours." Itachi answered. I smiled sadly. "Oh, well. Tell Sasori that I said goodbye." I said as I turned around. "Where are you going?" Itachi asked.

"To the Hokage Mountain. I want to enjoy the sunset one more time. Goodbye, Itachi." I said before floating towards the door. "Wait," I stopped. "Maybe there's a way to save you." He said. "How?" I asked, facing him.

"I'll go to Sasori. Maybe he has an antidote."

"I doubt that."

"Don't give up, Miu. There's still time."

Itachi got up and walked out of the room, heading to Sasori's room. I followed behind him. "Sasori," Itachi said as he walked in his room without knocking. "What do you want, Itachi? I'm busy." Sasori said, annoyed.

"It's Miu. She's dying." Itachi said. Sasori paused and looked at him. "Don't make jokes with me, Uchiha." He said, coldly. "I'm not joking. Miu jumped off the Hokage Mountain and now she's in an astral projection." Itachi explained.

"How do you know all this?" Sasori demanded as he narrowed his eyes at him. "Because she's right here. You can't see her, but I can, with my Sharingan." Itachi explained. "Miu, what the hell were you thinking? Why did you try to kill yourself?" Sasori demanded.

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