Sasuke's Gone Mad!!!

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I didn't know what do to. I was trapped in the same room with Sasuke and he wasn't letting me go. "Miu, I promise. I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to talk to you." Sasuke said as he beagn to walk towards me. I took a step back.

Sasuke noticed then stopped walking. "Miu?" He asked. I moved my gaze to the floor. I looked back at Sasuke, seeing his hand reach for my face. I got really scared and took steps back until I felt myself fall back.... on a bed?!

Not good, not good, not good! "Miu? Hey!" Sasuke frowned before roughly grabbing my wrists. I winced slightly and began to struggle under his weight. "I don't understand! Why won't you look at me? Why are you afraid of me? I haven't done anything to you!" Sasuke said in anger.

I struggled even more. I was afraid of him because I'm scared he was going to hit me. Every hand I see that comes near me, I fear that someone is going to hurt me. "Dammit, look at me! Why are you being so stubborn!" Sasuke yelled.

"Just shut up! You don't know anything about me!" I yelled back. Sasuke seemed taken back by my outburst as he stared at me with wide eyes. He let go of my wrist then sat up. I held my wrist to my chest as I cried softly. My wrist hurt because Sasuke was squeezing it so tightly.

"Miu, I-"

"Just go away! I want to be alone for a while." I said as I curled in a ball. Sasuke got off the bed and went to his door. "I'm sorry." he said before leaving the room. I looked to see if he really did leave and he did. I sat up and pulled my knees to my chest.

"Are you okay, Princess?" Isuke asked. "Why," I asked. Isuke looked at me with concern but kept that stupid smile on his face. "Why did you let Sasuke into the bathroom when I said I wanted to be left alone?" I asked with an emotionless face.

"Because he was concerned about you. Plus, the obnoxious knocking was getting incredibly annoying." Isuke said. "I said, I wanted to be alone. That wasn't your call, Isuke." I said, frowning at him. Isuke continued to smile at me.

"Then punish me." He said. I looked at him, confused. "Punish you?" I asked. "Punish me. If you think my actions were unnecessary, then punish me for my crimes." Isuke said.

"I don't want to punish you. Just leave me alone. I don't want to see you right now." I said. "Very well, Princess." Isuke disappeared, leaving me alone in the room. I have to get out of here. I got off the bed then headed out the window.

I didn't want to be bothered by anyone right now, so I went to the training grounds. I don't think anyone will be there. "Gentle Fist!"

Huh? I looked up then gasped as a hand was slammed into my chest. I fell on my knees then fell face first into the ground.

"Neji, what have you done!"

"I thought she was an enemy."

"She's just a kid! Have you lost your mind?!"

"Neji, you went to far. You could have killed her."

What's happening? What just happened to me? Why can't I move? 'Because you're paralyzed, Miu. Duh' I thought to myself. I was flipped on my back. I looked at the sky until four faces surrounded me. "Are you okay?" A girl with brown hair asked.

I coughed before slowly sitting up. "Sorry about that. I thought you were an enemy. I should have used my Byakugan first. Forgive me." A boy with long brown hair said. "It's okay. I'm used to getting hurt like that, so it's no big deal." I said.

"Huh? Used to it? What do you mean?" The girl asked. "U-Um, it's nothing. I-I was just b-b-babbling." I lied. The girl smiled. "Well, I'm glad you're all right. My name's Tenten." she introduced.

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