Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

*a few weeks later*

The thud of Draco's feet hitting the floor echoed throughout the lonely home. The walls creaked and the tile floors carried the sounds of his footsteps into each hallway. He sighed deeply as he made his way to his....well, his unofficial ex-wife's bedroom.

He decided to knock but when no sound came from the other side he let himself in anyway.

Their bed looked like it hadn't been touched in weeks. The rich green fabric developed a layer of dust as did almost every inch of the room. Suddenly, he heard the sound of her heels click towards the room.

"Draco?" Astoria spoke.

"Astoria," he said, still looking down at their bed then meeting her gaze. She was just as he left her, a polished to perfection pureblood wife, only the sadness seemed to be permanently etched into her pretty features. "What are you doing here?" she asked.

He didn't want to respond to that. He let his silence answer for him.

"Is she....dead?"

"What?!" Draco snapped, "Are you mental? No she's not dead!"

"Well, what else am I supposed to expect?!" she yelled back, "That's what you made it sound like!"

"She's not dead, for God sakes, she's just at home," he informed.

"So what are you doing here?" she asked again.

In all honesty, Draco wanted to check on her. It wasn't often that he saw Astoria in that much distress. Of course, he wouldn't tell her that.

"Just wanted to check on the house," he lied, "Have you not been staying here?"

"I've been staying with my sister," she replied, taking cautious steps into the room, "I had the wards inform me if you return."

"You were expecting me?"

"It is, technically, your home,"Astoria's civility took him off guard and it put him on edge.

"It is, technically, yours too," he mimicked her words.

"It hasn't been the same, really. Without you here." He looked back at her and saw the sadness form in her eyes. Draco felt something almost break inside of him. There was once a time when he thought he could feel something for this woman before him, and now....he almost wished he did. She knew he wasn't going to respond to that, so she tried something else, "How is she? Really, how is she?"

She sat on the bed and he immediately took a seat next to her. "She's....well, I suppose," he replied and rubbed his tired eyes.

"And you love her?"

He sighed deeply, "Yes."

And that was the problem. It was probably the most dangerous feeling to have, especially for her. Before they left for Greece, Stephen told him Hermione was healing and that immediately after their vacation they'd have to continue testing. But there was always an inkling of doubt in the back of his mind, because faith was never really on his side. He always knew the consequences, he just never imagined actually facing them. Astoria didn't have to say Hermione was going to go soon. She didn't have to say it again because hearing it would only push the knife further into his chest.

Instead, she did the only thing she could do and placed her hand gently over his. He looked down at her hand and absentmindedly stroked the gap between her forefinger and knuckle. He then turned over her hand, carrying it like an artifact, and opened her palm. In it, he placed her wedding ring, the ring she threw down the stairs to his feet. A long time ago, it symbolized freedom. Freedom from war and into his new life with her. And then when she threw it down at him it was like nothing, a dead dream. But now, as he placed in her palm, he told her, "Keep it. It's yours, it's always been yours."


"I'm setting you free, Astoria. Free from being unhappy. Free from a loveless marriage. And more importantly free from me," he told her, "You can keep it or you can sell it and start a life of your own."

"Why are you doing this?" She asked, a tear rolling down her cheek.

"Because I want one of us to be happy."

"Aren't you?"

"Yes. But my happiness cannot be guaranteed." He let go of her hand and stood. He walked to the door until his ex-wife caught his hand. "Draco," she said, "Please don't spend the rest of your life on the edge of something you can't control."

"I won't," he spoke softly, "But I'll be there for every last step of hers."

A/N: So two years ago, when I started writing this I never imagined people actually wanting to read it. It was the first thing I started writing on Wattpad and it was actually one of my favorite concepts I've ever thought of for a fanfiction. And the fact that I STILL get a comments and requests to keep finishing is just mind-blowing. And because of that I should apologize from being away from it for so long. Honestly this story has been an incredible journey for me because I'm constantly changing the end of it. Originally, when I started writing it, I knew exactly what the ending would be. But as the chapters kept going, I constantly changed it. That's why I stopped writing it because I need to figure out what I was actually putting forth. Now, I know how it's going to end and I promise you I'm going to finish this one once and for all. I'm so sorry it took me this long to realize it.

P.S. This was actually my favorite chapter to write!

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