Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Draco and Hermione apparated onto a beach just below the black rocky cliffs of the Malfoy private island. Hermione tried not to inflate his tremendous ego by complimenting his family's wealth, but they both knew she was utterly impressed. "A private island?" She uttered, "What does your family not own?"

"Hmm...a muggle yacht. But I'm planning on getting one anyway," he joked and she hit his shoulder. They carried their bags and walked into the sunlight. Hermione breathed in the sea air of the Mediterranean and leaned her head against his shoulder. "I'm really glad we're here," she spoke.

"Me too. And hopefully we can convince Stephen to let us stay a bit longer, if you'd like."

She smiled and reached for his hand as they walked across the beach to the black rock steps. Draco levitated their things as they climbed the steps all the way to the top. He could definitely notice now that Hermione was so much better, because she wasn't as winded with every step. It warmed his heart to see in her such a way, but it pained him not to be able to tell her the good news. But if Stephen was right, and her not knowing her status benefitted her, then he would not say a word.

They reached the top and Hermione went over to the edge and looked out at the Mediterranean. She basked in the glow of their tropical paradise and let the sun soak into her skin. "It's beautiful," she spoke freely. He went to her side, wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed her temple.

Suddenly, the sound of a basket hitting the ground interrupted their brief moment. They turned and met the gaze of an old Greek woman who dropped her basket of clothes. "Mr. Malfoy?" she said, her thick accent coating her words.

"Yes, you must be one of the housekeepers."

"You don't remember me..."

"I'm sorry?"

"My name is Helene. I remember you from when you were just a boy. And now your back..." The old woman embraced Draco immediately and Draco awkwardly accepted it. She then turned around and yelled something in Greek. Soon a bunch of little old ladies came running out of the stone villa and crowded up to Draco.

"Hi...yes...hi, how are you?...good to see you too..." was all that Hermione could hear from the small crowd. She giggled and admired Draco's patience with the situation.

"Ladies, this is Hermione. She'll be staying with us." The sneaky git drew the attention away from him, then to her. They all went over to Hermione and began crowding and asking questions, most of which she could barely understand.

"You brought a girl?! Oh, how wonderful!" she heard one of them say. From over their heads, Hermione spotted Draco laughing and carrying the rest of their things inside the villa.


Hermione managed to break away from the group and find her way inside. The place was gigantic, and the entire interior and exterior flowed with Greek culture. Just the columns outside took her breath away! She tried her best not to ask for help in finding Draco, which wasn't entirely hard because the villa was mostly shaped into a courtyard with one entire side being all a part of the master bedroom.

She opened the red double doors and spotted Draco unpacking their things on the bed.

"The least you could have done was give me some directions to this room, Malfoy," she spoke from the doorway.

She caught his smile as he continued unpacking their things.

Once they finished up, Draco decided to take her down to the other side of the island, where the view was ten times better and to show her the beach where he used to play at as a boy.

"Come in the water, Malfoy!" she yelled at him as she walked further away into the crystal blue water. Draco, meanwhile, was enjoying the pleasant view of Hermione in her white bikini as she stumbled over rocks and pebbles.

"I know your staring at me! Now, get in before I hex you!" she threatened, but he was already heading into the water as she spoke. He caught her off guard and wound his arm around her waist and tossed her over his shoulder as they headed into deeper water.

"Malfoy!" she laughed carelessly, "Stop it!"

"You sound like your having too much fun, so I don't think I will!"

They were waist deep in water now and Draco slid her back over and held her against his chest. She wrapped her legs around his hips and her arms around his neck. Hermione kissed his lips and smiled against his mouth. She noticed him staring intently into her eyes and pondered, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Because I can," he answered simply.

For as long as I can, he added silently.

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