Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Draco left his home to look for Hermione, he couldn't bear being in the same house with that monster he called his wife. It was too much to think about, losing Hermione.

He knocked on the door and called her name. He opened and there she sat in her hospital gown staring out the window again. "Granger?" he spoke. She turned her head and met his gaze with a sad smile. "Hi, Malfoy."

"How are you feeling?" She took a deep breath and Draco sat beside her, taking her hand in his and squeezing tightly. "Ginny visited me today."

"Ginny? Ginny Weasley? I thought -"

"Yeah, me too. She asked me why I'm still alive."

Draco's brow furrowed, "I'll make sure they never let her in again. She has no right to-"

"She's not coming back. She's not my friend anymore, she wouldn't care if I dropped dead tomorrow," she said sincerely, "Besides, I don't blame her. I'm just as frustrated as she is. Harry and Ron are dead but how am I still alive? It doesn't make sense."

"You deserve to live just as much as she does. So don't question it."

"But they were my friends. I would like to know what could have been done, at least."

"Do you really want to know?" he asked, "Do you really want to know what could have saved them, or would you rather be at peace with it?"

"I'll never be at peace with it," she admitted, "But I do understand. They're already dead and there's nothing we can do now."


"But that doesn't answer the question of why I'm still ali-"

"Enough! I can't take it anymore," Draco snapped, "You are alive, Granger! Your heart beats as fast as mine and that's still not enough for you!"

"But don't you want to know what's keeping me alive?!," she yelled as she stood, "As my Healer-"

"I'm more then your Healer, love, and you know it..."

"As my friend, you would do whatever it takes to keep me alive. But you're just afraid of what you might find."

"I'm not afraid of anything," he seethed.

"Yes, you are!" she scoffed, "You're afraid that whatever the cure is, it still won't be enough! You don't want false hope! That's why you won't help me! Whatever happened to faith?!"


She yelled back, "IT'S TRUE, EVERY WORD-"

Draco grabbed her face and bruised her lips with his, but she pushed him away. "Don't do that if you're not going to help me."

He grunted, "Just shut up," and pulled her to his lips in a more gentle way. "You're right. I don't want to lose you. You may be the one barely breathing but I'm the one who's already dead."

"I don't love you, Malfoy," she mumbled. It hurt like hell, but it's all he's ever known. "I know," he said, and embraced.


From that day on, Draco brought in his colleagues and nurses everyday to help. They took vials of blood and monitered her heart beat, checked her every movement. Before she knew it, she looked exactly like Ron and Harry did in their hospital beds, hooked up to machines and ready to die. This is what she wanted, and he did want to keep her alive. But her blank stare and reassuring smile towards him wasn't enough to convince him that this is how she should live her last months.

They would be taking her blood to other Wizarding Hospitals, some that even refer to muggle practices. From that point, they would have to wait for results and hopefully a cure. Harry and Ron were tested hundreds of times with different remedies, which produced no solution. He would also be working for a cure, but that would mean less time spent with her.

Something told him she didn't mind him being absent as much as he hated not being with her. If she would say yes, he'd ask for a lifetime with her. And maybe that might finally be enough for both of them.

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