Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Draco awoke early the next morning to head down to the hospital, while Granger was still sleeping. He didn't want her to feel alone, so he'd make sure to get back before she woke.

At the hospital, he immediately went to Bott's office. Bott's face said everything he needed to know.

"Did we get anything back?" Draco asked the rhetorical question. He saw the papers on his desk, but Bott's silence spoke for him. His boss nodded to the papers and Draco picked them up to read. He scanned the parchments.

"Results were...inconclusive?"

"I'm afraid so."

"So she doesn't even have a fighting chance?!" Draco yelled as he threw the papers down.

"According to these readings, she doesn't have much time until her symptoms start taking place," he said, "Where is she right now?"

"At her home. I have to go back before she wakes up," he said, reading the papers again, "It doesn't make sense. For one day, she was fine but after...everything changed."

"What do you mean?"

"Long before her relapse. One day when I checked her vitals, she tested perfectly normal. But immediately after she completely relapsed, like nothing happened."

Bott stood, "Do you know what happened during that day to make her change?"

"Nothing! It was in the morning and nothing changed."

"You need to talk to her. Get her to tell you what happened that day." Draco nodded and left the hospital with more hope then he wanted.


Hermione awoke to light tapping on her shoulder. Her bed sunk to the side and she turned to find Draco sitting next to her. "Morning," he greeted, "Sorry to wake you."

"What time is it?" She asked groggily, rubbing her eyes.

"About 7 o'clock. I wanted you to sleep in but it's urgent."

Hermione sat up and was now wide awake. "What is it, Malfoy?"

"Remember the day after the night we..."

"...We slept together?" she spoke hesitantly.

"Yes. And the day after at the hospital, your vitals were perfectly normal. Do you remember that?"

She nodded and he continued, "I need you to tell me what happened that morning. Anything that could trigger something like that to occur."

"I can't help you," she said quickly, "Nothing happened. It was a miracle but it's gone now."

"You're lying."

"I'm not. We went to the hospital, I unpacked my things, and sat in a hospital bed until you came back. That's all."

"You're lying, Granger. I know you are, just tell me the truth."

"What truth is there to tell?!" she jumped out of bed and yelled, "It was nothing! I felt nothing!"

"I didn't ask you how you felt, but since you brought it up..."

"No, no more questions," she ended abruptly and walked away into the living room.

"Granger, I have to ask these things. I'm your Healer," he said following her voice.

"I thought you were my friend! And friends should at least respect the privacy of their friends!"

"Not if that secret is risking their life! What's the secret?!" He yelled back. He grabbed her shoulders and pressed her into the wall behind her. He looked into her eyes and could tell, he had hurt her. He loosened his grip and let his forehead rest upon hers. "Please, Hermione. I need to save you," he whispered.

"...who is there to be saved anymore?" Her breath tickled his nose with her words of hurt.

"You don't mean that."

"I do."

"I told you it's more than your life who needs saving..." he said, "I need you here." She closed her eyes and shifted under him. A tear formed under her eyelash and dripped down as she let her hands touch his chest. "You've confused me in more ways then one," he spoke, "Somedays you act like you want to be saved. And other times you act like your secrets are worth more than your life."

"Let me go, Malfoy. Please." He released her and she quickly moved into the kitchen without another word.

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