Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

The next morning, Draco found a note on his bedside table from Astoria. It read:


Daphne and I went out early this morning to Diagon Alley. She wants me to help her pick up some dress robes for that ball she's going to next week.



Draco threw the note on the floor and fell back on the mattress. He had hoped she would stay with him at least for breakfast. He wasn't planning to come into work so soon. He got out of bed, got himself ready for the day, and went downstairs. He wasn't all that hungry that morning, instead he decided to go to his library and read something for an hour before he had to leave.

He considered himself lucky, having such a large library in his own home. The Malfoy collection was filled with collectible and rare novels ranging from the Dark Arts to even books the Hogwarts library didn't have. He picked a book at random and sat at his large oak desk. Placing the book in his lap he began reading.

What turned into an hour of reading became two hours of reading, than three hours. He would've moved onto the fourth hour if there were any more pages left to read. In all honesty, Draco didn't want to go to work at all today. He did not want to see Granger again all sickly in her hospital gown, doing absolutely nothing. He promised that himself and the nurses would be there for her but he just wasn't ready to confront her again.

But seeing as though Astoria hadn't returned home yet and he forgot to owl his boss telling him he would be taking the day off, he had to go back to do some damage control. With a wave of his wand he set the book back in its place on the shelf and proceeded out the door. But just as he was about to leave, he thought of Granger and how disapointed she'd be that he neglected her, again.

Maybe he could give her somthing. Girls like presents, right? He looked around the room at the vast collection of books, and he couldn't decide what she would like. The first thing that popped into his head was Hogwarts: A History. He couldn't figure out why that was the first book he thought of, but he really didn't care to ask. He summoned the book and it magically travelled to him from the highest shelf in the room and into his hands. He grabbed the book and left for St. Mungo's.


Draco sat nervously in Mr. Bott's office, his beady eyes staring him down. Please let this be my only punishment, he thought to himself. "Do you know why you're here, Malfoy?" he asked in a grumpy voice.

"I'm sorry. I know I'm late but my wife-"

"Could surely do with your absence. You're needed here at the hospital. Ms. Granger needs you."

"Yes and I will attend to her as soon as I leave."

"I've been told that you've let the nurses handle your duties. Your duty to her."

"Yes, bu-"

"I assigned you to care for Ms. Granger and she will be your only priority from now on. Is that clear?"

"Yes, sir," he agreed. The mood in the room shited quickly as Mr. Bott leaned back in his chair and stroked his beard. "So tell me, how has our patient been doing?"

"Fine, sir. I mean as fine as a person in her...situation can be."

"Has she requested anything?"

"No, I've tried getting through to her but nothing seems to be working."

"Well what have you got there?" he asked pointing to the book in his hand.

"Oh this? It's a book. Actually, I was planning on letting her borrow it."

"Now you see Malfoy! That's the initiative I need to start seeing from you! You're doing a fine job, now go and give that book to her!" Draco nodded and gave Mr. Bott a curious look before leaving the room and heading down the hall to Granger's room. As he opened the door, he saw that there was no one in the bed. "What the-" he said aloud as he checked outside the room for other nurses. Suddenly another door opened and out came Granger in her hospital gown. "Malfoy? I was wondering when you'd show up," she said as she made her way back to her bed.

"I thought you left your bed."

"I just went to the loo. Bedpans aren't really my thing."

Draco smiled and closed the door, setting his clipboard and book down on the chair and walking over to her. He checked her vitals again as he did before and repeated, "You sound fine, Granger."

"Good, I was beginning to think there might be something wrong," she said sarcastically.

Draco was stuck between smirking and frowning. Instead, he went to pick up the book. "I, uh, thought you might want this," he said handing her the book. She looked at the front cover and a smile brought life to her face. "Hogwarts: A History," she mumbled, "It's my favorite book."

"Well, geez, Granger don't get too excited," he said sarcastically. "Thank you, Malfoy. Sorry, it's just-It's been a while since I picked up a book, let alone this one. Sort of brings back....memories," she said dreamily as she stroked the spine.

"I just thought it might be nice to have something to read whie your here. I know that hospital rooms aren't exactly the most comfortable of places."

"Yeah," she said still staring down at the book. He couldn't see her eyes, but he could tell that the book brought some sort of sadness to her. He patted her shoulder and left the room picking up his clipboard on the way out. As soon as he shut the door, he heard her muffled cries. He let his head rest against the door and listened to her, wanting to bring some sort of relief to her suffering.

It was then Draco decided that he would be commited to helping Granger. She didn't have much longer and she may as well enjoy the rest of her life while she still had it.

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