Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Draco triple-checked the paperwork, just to make sure she wasn't making a run for it. It was clear as day, Bott's signature stood out. She was going to Australia. He walked into her room, clutching the document and watched her pack. "You're really doing it, huh?"

"Yeah," she spoke with a soft smile, "I'm not changing their memories but at least I'll get to see them."

"Are you going with an alias?"

"Yes, I'm not sure what it will be yet. But it will have to be pretty convincing. I was thinking I could run into them at a park or something. Tell them I'm renting a place in town. It will be so nice to see them again," she said dreamily.

"And when will you be coming back?"

"....I don't know yet."

"Well, Bott has some idea when you'll be returning, right? I mean he can't just let his patient leave the country without coming back to get checked."

She closed her trunk and looked at him, "Of course I'll come back."

He folded it up, "Well, good then." Draco was silent for a moment, before looking back up at her, "Are you going to have someone go with you?"

"No, I told Bott that I'll be fine on my own."

"It's sort of odd that he didn't get my say in this," he mumbled, "Or that you even bothered to tell me anything."

She shrugged, "I wanted it to be a surprise. I thought you would be happy for me."

"I am! I promise, I am! I'm...thrilled you're actually getting out of here! Wait, that's not what I meant! I meant here as in the hospital, your flat, London in general. I mean, I wouldn't have personally suggested out of the country, but-"

"Malfoy! Are you finished rambling?" She interrupted, but with a small smile to indicate a laugh.


"Good, because I'm ready."

"Wait, you're leaving already?"

"Bott said as soon as I'm done packing. Its funny, I've gotten quite used to it."

"You won't be needing anything else?"

She shook her head, "That's everything. I have a portkey waiting for me."

"Oh well let me take you to it."

"No need, it's outside." They walked into the living room where dropped off in a neat package was her ticket out of there. "Why are you leaving so soon though? Couldn't you at least stay for another night?" He half-pleaded.

"The sooner I see them, the better I'll feel."

"So, once you get what's ever in the package..."

"I'm gone."

"But not forever," he assured. She touched his cheek and rubbed her thumb across his skin, "Yeah," she muttered. He took the package and opened it slowly, hoping to stall her enough to get her to change her mind. But once it was opened, there lay a shiny rock the size of her palm. It was enough to get her there, he just hoped Bott would remember to send one back. "I'll miss you," he finally said.

"I'll miss you too," she spoke sadly. She clutched her trunk tightly as he pushed the box towards her. He took one long last look at her, trying to remember this moment forever. Her chocolate brown hair and deep colored brown eyes, the same pink lips he longed to touch. It didn't dawn at him that she looked at him the same way. "Wait," she stopped him. She shoved the box away, wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him with fire. He kissed her back with longing, as his fingers ran through her hair, down to the scalp. He didn't notice it when one arm went to the box. She released him completely, and then she vanished.

Draco was alone.

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