Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 (Ch.6 cont.)

The effects of the liquor hit Hermione hard. He could almost see the fire in her eyes as she held onto the desk for support.

"You alright there, Granger? You really shouldn't be drinking."

"Like I said before, if...they were able do it, than so can I."

Draco poured another glass for her and himself and they downed the liquid yet again. Hermione shook her head rapidly, the fire sending tingles all over her body. "Does it always feel" she asked, fanning herself.

Draco smirked, "Its called Firewhiskey, Granger, it's meant to burn."

She nodded quickly and said, "Give me another one."

"No way. You said it yourself you feel hot."

"Just do it, Malfoy. I'm gonna die anyway."

Draco reluctantly poured them another glass. Which turned into another. And another. And another. Before they knew it, they had finished the entire bottle and were positively intoxicated.

Hermione slurred her words but managed to say, "Give me another one."

"It's finished, Granger," he said groggily, rubbing his eyes. The two both slid down to the carpeted floor and faced the ceiling. "It's so hot," she whined, "I'm taking this stupid gown off." She slid the gown off herself. "Granger! Have you no shame!" Draco said, eyes drooping. She wore from what he saw white knickers and a maroon undershirt. Or was it a white undershirt and maroon knickers?

Draco removed his jacket and tossed it on the chair along with his tie. "Granger," he slurred, "We-We have to get you back to your room."

"I don't want to," she whined, "it's boring in there. I want to be free. I want go see Hogwarts again! Yeah, that would be...amaaazing..."

"Hey, Hey, Granger," he whispered in her ear, "We should go back to Hogwarts."

"We should! You know what, Malfoy? Let's see the world together, huh? Just you and me, what do you say?"

"I say," he slurred raising his empty glass, "We do it! Where should we go first?"


"A-Australia? Why would you want to go to Australia?"

"My parents live there."

"Oh yeah," he laughed, "But they don't remember you," he mocked.

"I'll just reverse the spell then!"

"You can do that?!"

"Yeah, I found the countercurse months ago," she emphasized.

"And why didn't you go to them?"

She whispered in his ear softly, "I didn't want to burden them." The sober voice in Draco's head told him to memorize that. It might one day be useful. Draco stood up slowly, wobbly, but slowly and taking Hermione with him. The two walked arm in arm down the hall back to her room. Of course it took them a few tries in the elevator to find the floor before they made it back.

Hermione pulled Draco inside and she non gracefully fell on her bed.

"I'm-I'm going home now, Granger. See you tomorrow," he said but she was already asleep. Draco attempted to find the door but he felt his legs give out underneath him. He tumbled back into the nearest chair and passed out.

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