Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Astoria Malfoy bit her lip nervously as she waited within the lonely manor walls with nothing to do but worry. Normally, she was not the housewife type who only awaited her hudband's presence to be seen in public (much like Pansy Parkinson who did just that). She was independent and even her husband couldn't keep her home. Yet here she was waiting for almost three days for him to return. Three days before, he packed his bags without a word and left her in the dust. She thought it was over, and he really did choose to leave her. Then she denied it, saying that he could not - would not - leave her.

Just then, she heard an echo come from the foyer. A rustle of movements came from below, followed by steps up the stairs. She stood from her bed and watched as the door opened and Draco appeared with a nice tan glow to him and a trunk levatating behind him. "" she uttered.

"Finally developing a heart, Astoria? I was out," was his greeting. His trunk dropped to the side and he went into the closet.

"You were gone for three days." He reappeared with two more trunks and plopped them both on the bed. Astoria continued, "And where do you think you're going?" He was silent and opened his trunk and began packing even more clothes.

"Draco, answer me!" she cried out. He continued packing, this time more forcefully. She rounded the bed and pulled at his arms as he resisted her actions. He pushed her away multiple times before he closed his trunk and opened the other one. "Please, Draco! I promise I will be a better wife! Just don't leave me, I need you here! None of this would have happened if you didn't accept that sick girl as your patient! She's reached her end and I care about you enough to protect you!"

More clothes were stuffed into the trunk as the vein in Draco's forehead bulged. "She's made you weak! Whatever happened to the relentless boy in school who cared for no one but himself and his money! The one who called her a mudblood! The one who became a bloody Deatheater!"

That was it. He grabbed her forearms and pushed her back against the stone wall. "ENOUGH!" he shouted in her face who was already sobbing. "I DON'T CARE HOW MANY TIMES YOU TELL ME IT'S WRONG. BECAUSE YOU KNOW WHAT? I ALREADY KNOW SHE'S DYING, BUT IT'S MY CHOICE WHETHER I GET HURT OR NOT! I'M LEAVING YOU, ASTORIA, SO FORGET ABOUT ME AND DO WHAT YOU'RE GOOD AT: ONLY CARING ABOUT YOURSELF!" He released her and waved his wand. All his clothes flew out from the drawers and closet and into his other trunk. The trunk shut instantaneously and Draco levitated all three of his trunks to follow him out the door. He stomped down the steps and just as he stood in front of the door, Astoria shouted from the stairway, "HERE! TAKE THIS TOO!"

Clink. Clank. Clink. Clank.

A single engagement ring fell from the last step and landed in front of Draco's feet. He picked it up and pocketed the piece of jewelery. He finally turned on his heel and left his own home and his soon-to-be ex-wife.


Draco let himself into the apartment, plopping his luggage on the wooden floor. "Granger!" he called out.

"Just a second!" he heard her voice coming from her room. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the old engagement ring. He recalled the day he picked it out, his nervous palms shaking as he pointed to whichever one he thought looked right. It was the day he decided maybe marrying Astoria might be something to relieve his former self from the war. It was a symbol of freedom, and now it was just an empty shell of what it once was.

Hermione walked out and smiled widely at him. He quickly pocketed the ring and embraced Hermione. His ferocity from earlier washed away and was replaced with happiness. "I've been making room for your things in the closet and dressers," she began, "But did...she take it?"

"Don't worry about that, love," he reassured, "That part of my life is over now. And a new one is just beginning." He picked her up and spun her around as she let out a small giggle. Just then, a knock came from her - their - door. Draco opened it and his face fell immediately.

"Mr. Bott..." was all he could utter. His Boss stood alone in the doorway, with an unreadable expression.

"Two days. I sent that portkey there two days ago. What on earth made you two wait so bloody long?!" he began as he walked into the flat. He glared at Hermione but Draco took a step in front of her. "It's not her fault. It was my idea," Draco claimed.

"And you expect me to believe that rubbish?! I should have never entrusted her into your care, Mr. Malfoy! You have ruined this hospital's good name. How is any patient supposed to feel safe if they're being...seduced by their doctors?!"

"Sedu- I WAS NOT SEDUCED!" Hermione shouted and Draco calmed her down.

"That is enough out of you, Ms. Granger! You are no longer under the supervision of Healer Malfoy! You will be assigned another Healer for the time being."

"You can't force anything upon me!" she began, "I don't need a Healer!"

"Under this contract from the Ministry," he pulled out a piece of parchment from his pocket, " You are! It is the responsibility of St. Mungo's to treat you! If we neglected to treat you, the rest of the Wizarding World would bring shame upon us!"

"Is that what this is about then? Not saving the girl's life but your bloody image!?" Draco shouted.

"You watch your tone with me, Malfoy. And as of today, you are fired from St. Mungo's! We're currently having your office cleaned out and your things sent to your home."

"Might as well send it here then," he gestured to the flat, " Because I live here now! That's right! I'm moving in with her and you can't stop me!"

Bott was silenced and looked at both of them. Then with one final look at Hermione, he stated, "You should expect your new Healer to stop by first thing tomorrow." Bott slammed the door and for a while it was silent.

"I'm so sorry, Draco," Hermione began, "I didn't want you to lose your job."

"Of course you didn't. But this was expected," he turned to face her, "Don't worry about me, Granger. He's one less worry off our backs." She embraced him again but felt the sadness in his embrace as she did. He enjoyed his job, and now he would have to find a new one in a new hospital. "I'll help you look for a new hospital. I promise," she whispered.

He replied sadly, "Thank you, Hermione."

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