Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

"What do you mean you're going away?!" Astoria questioned.

"I'm staying at one of my patient's house as an aid," Draco repeated as he packed his things.

"Oh and let me guess, it's Granger, isn't it?!" She accused. Draco huffed and Astoria lowered her voice, "You're going to get hurt."

"She's not dangerous."

"That's not what I mean," she stated, "You're falling in love with her and she'll never be able to reciprocate it."

"You don't know anything about her," he seethed.

"I know that she's dying...and once she's gone, it would have all been for nothing," Draco closed his trunk and carried it to the door, "She doesn't love you, Draco."

There it was. Another blow to the heart that he absorbed as he has all this time. He didn't need Astoria and Hermione to tell him what he already knew. Draco turned with a determined look and spat out, "And neither do you."


Draco went back to Hermione with his hands filled with groceries. "Granger, I'm home!" He called out. He could get used to saying that.

Levitating the bags to the counter, he looked around and called again, "Granger?" Walking into the hallway, the door of her bedroom slightly open, he knocked. No response.

He opened the door and the bed was empty. Walking into the bathroom, no one was there. He parted the shower curtain and saw Hermione sitting in the bath with no water and and completely clothed.

"Granger? What are you doing?" He asked, crouching down to the side of the basin.

"I don't know. It was the first time I felt truly alone and I got nervous."

"Nervous of what? You've been alone plenty of times before."

"In a hospital room with hundreds of Healers just outside my door." A tear ran down her cheek and she wiped it away before he could for her. "I could die. Any moment. And if you're not there, it's the end." It dawned on him that it was the first time in a long time that he'd seen her so scared. She always seemed so ready, but like every human being she's just as terrified of death.

He reached for her hand on her knee and she let it fall into its place. "Nothing's going to happen to you," he said. He lifted her up and helped her out of the tub. She stumbled into his arms and for a moment he held her in his arms. She looked up at him with glassy eyes and slightly parted lips. He wanted to give her his strength, the strength he had to have when they were at war. The strength he had to carry as he stood before the Dark Lord. The strength he had to not run away on his wedding day. And the strength he has not to fall in love with the girl in front of him.

But truthfully...she already had that strength inside of her.

"You'll be alright, Granger," he said as he held her, running his hand down her back soothingly. She let her head fall against his chest, but she didn't cry.

That was her strength.


Hermione and Draco ate their meals in silence, not home cooked since Draco barely knew and Hermione hadn't cooked in ages. He was somewhat speechless at her scene in the bathroom, but he knew he couldn't spend the rest of their time together like this. "So just what are you planning on doing here?" He started.

"I don't know yet," she mumbled, "I'm just glad to be home, I guess."

"Hm," Draco agreed as he chewed his food.

"So you talked to Astoria, right? What did she say?"

"The usual, I suppose. She didn't want me to go but it's not like she can stop me."

"Well, she is your wife."

Draco fork clattered, "We've been over this. I don't care about her and she doesn't care about me."

"Then why are you still married?"

"It's not by choice, Granger. She's not exactly the love of my life."

"You can still file for a divorce."

"And she will still get her fortune, also known as my fortune."

"That's not the only reason why you won't get divorced, is it?" Draco stared at her for a long time, analyzing her face and deep brown eyes. She continued, "You obviously feel something towards her, you just can't decide. If not love, then maybe your compassion."

"Don't talk to me about my relationship," he growled, "Why do you care?"

"..I don't," she replied. Hermione stared down at her plate and absentmindedly rolled her food around with her fork.

Hermione was a terrible liar. She obviously cared but she was too stubborn to say anything. She cared about him just as much as he did her, and for now that would have to be enough.

"When you were with Weasl- Ron...did you ever think that he was...the one?"

"I don't believe in destiny," she replied too quickly.

"Bullshit," he cursed, "Everyone believes in destiny." She did not reply. "People believe that when they get married, that's it for them. There's no one else for them and that they would follow them anywhere. Till death do us part? No, I don't believe in that. If the person you married dies, that doesn't mean you spend the rest of your life alone. It can't mean that, I refuse to believe it. And sometimes, the person you love isn't even the person you marry."

"You're right," she spoke, "I do believe in some sort of destiny. Soul mates, if you will. Sometimes they're lovers. Sometimes they're friends. And sometimes...they're enemies." She gave him a long look, staring into his soul through grey glassy eyes.

"Granger, I-"

"I'm going to bed," she interrupted as she picked up her plate and placed it in the sink. He heard a door close and knew that was the end of their talk.

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