Chapter 12

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Chapter 12 (Ch.11 cont.)

A half an hour after she broke down, he offered to go to the kitchen to bring her something to eat. She accepted gratefully and he left to bring something back. Only when he returned, she wasn't alone.

Professor McGonnagall - Headmistress from what he heard - was sitting down beside her on the last step, talking quietly.

"Ahem," he announced himself, holding two sandwiches and two bottles of pumpkin juice for Hermione and himself. They both turned and Hermione smiled softly at him.

"Hello, Mr. Malfoy," the Headmistress greeted not very warmly, "I was just making Ms. Granger company."

"I was just getting us something to eat. We've been visiting some of the old classrooms."

"So I've been told. Well, I best be off." She turned towards Hermione, who in return hugged her like a daughter to a mother. "Thank you," Hermione whispered, "For everything."

"No, Hermione. Thank you." It was a few moments before Hermione forced herself to let go and McGonnagall giving one last long look to her favorite student. She turned and nodded to Draco before returning back to her office. "I don't think she ever liked me," Draco commented, trying to ease the tension in the room.

Hermione laughed, "I don't suppose it had to do with letting the Deatheaters into Hogwarts, does it?"

Draco frowned and she laughed yet again. Whatever it was that she and McGonnagall talked about seemed to lighten her mood. "We should eat this elsewhere," Draco recommended, "Dinner's almost over and they'll be coming up this staircase very soon."

"Ok," she said, grabbing her sandwich and juice from his hands, "Where to?"

"I have an idea."


Draco led her up a staircase where she couldn't remember where it led. And at the top, she became utterly confused.

"Malfoy, why are we here? Isn't this wher-?"

"Where Dumbledore died? Yes, yes it is."

"Why did you bring me here?"

"Because you showed my your weakest moment, your weakest place. This was mine." He set down his juice and sandwich on the steps and went out on the balcony. She also set her things down and went to stand beside him. "I was assigned to kill him, that's what Voldemort wanted. But in that moment, I just...couldn't."

"I'm glad you didn't."

He smirked and continued, "I've been to this tower about....8 times after he died," he stated leaning over the railing, "Trying to relive that moment. If there was even the slightest chance, the slightest inkling of me killing him. I wanted to see if I could do it."

"Do you think you would have?"

"No. Not a chance. Every time I pictured that moment, I could never do do it. I've never regretted that decision and I never will." He was uncomfortable talking about it, she could hear it in his voice. She hooked her arm under his and comforted him as he did to her just moments ago.

"What happened back at the common room while you were in there?" he asked, changing the subject.

"I remembered something."

"And what was that?"

She scoffed, "Everything. From passing through the room, to sitting in front of the fire. Everything hit me with full force, and I couldn't bear it." He nodded, also reminiscing his times in his own common room. Those little moments that he thought he'd never look back, he was doing now.

"And with McGonnagall?"

She chuckled softly, "We talked about all the trouble Ron, Harry, and I used to get into. It was...refreshing." She rested her head against his arm, and he let her.

"I'm going to miss this place." And he frowned. For a moment, he thought she forgot she was dying, and in that same moment, he did too. "Don't talk about that anymore, Granger."

"Well we know it's going to happen," she defended.

"But that's not the point!" he snapped, stepping back from her.

"You don't have to think about dying every single day! Why can't you just...enjoy life as it is?!"

"Because the sooner I accept it-"

"The better! I know! But, Granger, you've already accepted it! You WELCOME it! That isn't right, just give yourself a chance!" he shouted.

"I can't, don't you see?! I have nothing to live for anymore!" she yelled back.

"Nothing to live for?!" he repeated, "Nothing to live for?! Granger, you have everything to live for! You have the Weasleys, you have McGonnagall, you have that little girl asleep in her bed right now, you have the entire Wizarding World! You even have-" he stopped himself. He would have take. It too far.

"I have what?!" she yelled.

And his lips landed on hers.

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