Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

"You do realize it's not an actual wedding, right?" The man said in a thick Australian accent, "I'm not even ordained."

"We know," Draco and Hermione said at the same time. They sat in a bar at the beach, talking to the bartender who they knew wasn't even close to a priest. "We just need someone to act as a priest. Just say the right words and we'll even pay you!" Hermione said. It was the most excited she's been since he could remember. The smile hasn't left her face since the dock and Draco was just as excited. "...alright," replied the man, "But if we're gonna do this, we have to do this right. So you two better get dolled up. There's a few clothing stores not too far from here."

"Thank you, thank you so much! We'll be back in an hour!"

Hermione and Draco ran to the nearest clothing store, splitting up at the door to go to their different sections. Draco managed to find a blue cotton buttoned up shirt and tan slacks, not wanting to be too formal. He took a regular black tie from the hook and brought it up to the register. He got money from Bott before he left, he'd have to remember to pay him back for all this wedding has cost. Just as he gave the cashier money, Hermione appeared from behind a rack. She wore an elegant long sleeve dress with lace sleeves and the dress ending just below her knees. In that moment, Draco could care less of what other people thought and only of what he saw. "It's bad luck to see the bride on her wedding day, Mr. Malfoy," she played along.

"No offense, soon-to-be Mrs. Malfoy, but I really don't care." He grabbed her waist and kissed her endlessly.


"Do you, Draco Malfoy, take Hermione Granger to be your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health till death do you part?"

"I do."

"Do you, Hermione Granger, take Draco Malfoy to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health till death do you part?"

"I do. And that couldn't be entirely more ironic."


After having their short ceremony, and a chat with their fake priest, they returned to the hotel Hermione was checked in at to get her things. "Where are we going?" she asked excitedly as she packed the rest of her things. Draco helped her by folding in some of her own clothes. "We're getting the best honeymoon suite in Australia," he told.

"You do realize we're leaving tomorrow, right? Which is actually...." she checked the clock, "In a few hours."

"Then we're just going to have to make the night last," he seductively whispered in her ear. She turned her head and pecked his lips. He pulled her in for more and she grabbed onto his shirt. She felt his hand slither its way down to her bum, but she pulled away before he could get further. "When we get there, love," she whispered.


She waited patiently in the lobby of a some sort of resort. Draco worked out a deal at the counter, giving him the address of the Manor to have the bill sent there. He returned to Hermione and grabbed her hand, leading her out of the building and down the boardwalk where a line of rental houses faced the beach and the moon. "Draco, it's one day. You didn't have to rent one of these places..."

"Who says we have to take the port key right away? Besides, that owl will be off course for a while trying to find us..." He winked and she smiled. They found the place and Hermione slid their room key into the door. Outside the hotel was the beauty of the moon, the water, and the beach. But inside, it was bliss. The fireplace to their left was something out of a magazine while the bed in the far corner was closed off with white curtains and piled high with the softest pillows. The bathroom had a bath the size of a small pool and complimentary candles on the counter. He really knew how to treat a girl.

"Draco, it-" he grabbed her by the waist and pushed her gently against his lips. He moved her back against the wall and ravished her lips as she moaned into their kiss. "Don't talk," he said between kisses, "Just feel."

She grabbed his hair and pulled softly, letting her fingers move through it. He grinded his hips into hers, riding up her dress as he did. She latched onto his shoulders and he carried her to the bed, not releasing her once. They collapsed into the sea of pillows. "Let me...know if you need to catch your breath," Draco whispered.

"You give yourself way too much credit, Malfoy," she breathed.

He pulled away slightly, "I mean it, Granger. We can't push it if you're lungs aren't-"

"I feel fine, trust me. Now shut up, I want to be with my husband," she hushed.

"Anything for you, love," he chuckled.

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