Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Draco entered her room with paperwork in hand to find that she was already dressed and packing her books. "You seem eager to go," he commented, startling her. She jumped up and looked at him, "You scared me." He smirked and set down his clipboard. He reached for the books on the higher shelf and started handing them down to her.

"My boss said it was okay, although, I don't think that would've stopped you," he joked.

She grinned and continued packing. "I spent 3 weeks in this room without leaving once. I think I deserve to go home."

"Yes, about that...your going to need someone to stay with you, at your home."

She dropped her books suddenly, "Like an aid?"


Hermione groaned, "That's not fair."

"Someone needs to be with you in need anything. And something tells me you don't want to leave your home, so how else will you get the things you need?"

She reluctantly agreed and closed her trunk. "So...who will the aid be?"

Draco leaned back against the wall and crossed his arms. "I don't know yet, I have to decide," he said casually.

"Who do you have in mind?"

"A better question: Who do you have in mind?"

"I asked you first."

"It was a rhetorical question," he teased, "Admit it, Granger. You want me around."

She places her hands on her hips and remarked, "I never said that! But if your suggesting that you'd like to be my aid then I can't say no, now can I?"

"Yes, but if the patient doesn't like any of my options than I have to pick whomever makes her happy, correct? For the health of the patient."

"I guess if it's for my own well being, then fine."

"Fine what?"

"You know what I mean."

"I want to hear you say it," he mocked.

"Say what?"

"You want me to be your aid. To spend all day with you making sure your okay."

"You said it for yourself, I said nothing!" she sassed. He smirked and lifted her trunk off the bed. "I love making you angry, Granger. Nothing better. And be prepared for the next few weeks because that's all your getting."

He took her trunk and opened the door for her. She smiled and walked out feeling better already.


Hermione's flat was as dusty as it was the first time he'd been there, so he helped clean it up with his wand. Her pictures were still up but he didn't feel like he had to flip them over anymore. He carried her trunk into the bedroom and plopped it onto her bed. Memories flooded his mind as he remembered their one night like it was yesterday.

He went back out into the living room and sat down next to Hermione on the couch. "How does it feel to be back?" he asked.

"A lot better than the hospital, that's for sure. Exactly, how long can I stay here?"

"The paperwork says about 2 weeks but if you prove your able to, you can stay here for longer, probably."

"And...will you be here as well?"

Draco smirked and replied, "Only if you want me to. I could always come by and-"

"I want you to stay here," she blurted out. Draco chuckled, "Alright. Then I'll stay."

"But you know, nothing can happen, right?" Draco raised an eyebrow, she spoke again, "We can' anything. I mean it. You're my Healer, you'll lose your job, you have a wife."

Draco nodded his head slowly, taking it all in. Weren't they passed being just friends? They were so much more but she's too stubborn to see that. "Deal," he obliged.

"Good," Hermione said as she stood,"The guest bedroom is down the hall, with its own bathroom. And we're going to need to shop for groceries."

"I'll handle that," Draco said, also standing and walking to the door. He opened it and Hermione called out, "What are you going to tell your wife?"

"....I'm just taking care of my patient," he wasn't lying, "It's not like anything will happen, will it?"

Hermione shook her head, "Of course not."

"Then we have nothing to worry about, love," he said as he winked and shut the door.

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