Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

The next day, Draco got out of bed with as little of sleep as possible. He didn't want to go home yet, and he wasn't planning on returning to the hospital today either. Last night, he could only think up the numerous possibilities of what she must be doing at that moment. She probably got there immediately, found a hotel, spent the night and now she must be on the way to see her parents. It was exactly what she wanted, and he wanted it for her too. But truthfully he was miserable...all because she left him alone.

He decided to use this time to try to get his sense of normalcy back. And by normalcy, he meant returning to his unloving but somewhat caring wife and a job where none of his patients were her.

It was a good decision to let her go, she was obviously unhappy here or anywhere for that matter. Maybe seeing her parents was for the better, after all, it will be the last time. He hated thinking that.

A knock came at the door, and as he opened, his eyes widened. "Astoria?!" he alerted.

His wife stared at him with sudden longing, something he hasn't really seen before. "I had to see you, Draco. I've missed you terribly," she gushed. He ushered her in and didn't miss her looking about the apartment distastefully. "How did you find me?" He questioned as he shut the door.

"I knew you were staying with Granger."

"But how did you find the ad-"

"I didn't come to talk about how I got here! I came because I want my husband back!"

"A bit late for that, isn't it?" he snapped, "What, you want me to come back just to be stepped on again?! I've changed."

"She changed you, Draco. And I agree I've made mistakes, but I can learn from them! We can spend weekends together! I can spend more time with you, going out and doing whatever you'd like. Just...please, I need you in my life," she begged.

"And where were you when I needed you?!" He yelled, "I'm done trying to get a good marriage out of whatever we have here, because it doesn't work! And the only reason you've paid any attention to me the last month because your jealous of her!"

"Don't I have a right to?! You're in love with a mudblood!" Draco kicked the coffee table to the side, her books falling to the floor. "Don't fucking call her that," he seethed, "Ever."

"I don't even know who you are anymore."

"Maybe you're better off."

Astoria released a sob and retreated to the door. She turned to look back halfway and told, "Before you start something you don't want to happen, why don't you talk to your boss? You've got a lot of explaining to do." She slammed the door.


"What did I say to you about patient and Healer relations..." Bott said ominously, watching Draco fidget nervously. He returned to the hospital just after his fight with Astoria, knowing she told him everything.

"It's not what you think."

"Oh really," he began, "Because from my perspective, a Healer just couldn't keep his hands off of his patient, now could he? What was it, an unhappy marriage? Weak and alone, you were. And you took advantage of her, didn't you?!"

"No, Astoria'a lying! She just jealous, she always has been, I promise!" he lied.

Bott took a long pause, pondering his promise. "Even if what your saying is true, you can't expect me to let you stay in her home or be her Primary Healer now!"

"No, please. She needs me," or he needs her.

"You have made no progress with our patient, none at all. What if I hired another well-trained Healer? She'd probably be better off!" Draco broke and fell back in his chair. Merlin, he knew he was right. She deserved a better Healer who would actually make her better instead of relying on emotional attachment. "When will she be coming back?" Bott asked, in a softer tone.

"She told me you set a date," Draco pondered.

"She told me you set a date," Bott informed. Draco stood up slowly, "She didn't..."

Bott's eyes widened, "She's escaped."

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