Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

*3 Weeks later*

"She's not well," Draco stated the obvious, "It's a relapse."

Mr. Bott exhaled deeply and scratched
his head. "You said you started the tests when?"

"About 3 weeks ago."

"And that was when the relapse began, correct?"


"Then it's stress!"

"What?" Draco said as he stood.

"The testing. It makes her nervous and uncomfortable, so the body reciprocates these feelings with symptoms."

"So, you're saying that we cannot continue testing because her body is in no condition? Then how will we help her?"

"She stays in that room all day, why don't you take her out again?"

"And go where? Everywhere she goes she's a walking pity case."

"Well talk to her about it, she might have a place in mind. And until we get information back from other hospitals, she's under our care and our treatment."

Hermione was asleep by the time he entered her room. It wasn't late but the medication she was under made her drowsy. "Granger, wake up. Granger."

She roused and blinked a few times. "Hey."

"I'm gonna make sure they give you less of that potion. You're always sleeping," Draco commented as he wrote a note on his clipboard, "How do you feel about going on another trip?"

"No. No more trips, please."

"Granger, you have to get out of this room sometime."

"I don't want people to see me."

"I can see if we could use a disillusionment charm."

"No, I...I want to go home."

"Your flat? Are you sure?"

"Yeah, at least there I can still feel comfortable."

"Alright, I can ask permission from my boss."

Draco turned back to the door but Hermione called him back. "How are you, Malfoy? I don't see you as often."

He turned again, "Fine, I suppose. Just doing everything I can to help you."

"That's not what I meant. How's Astoria?"

Draco sighed, "We sleep in different rooms now. I don't mind it."

"Do you think you could ever work things out?"

"Do you want me to?" he asked.

"I want you to be happy."

"I could never be happy with Astoria. You know that." He was sincere. Ever since their discussion about Hermione, they've slept in different rooms. It was his choice. He can't say Astoria doesn't care, he knows she does. Maybe that's why he can't find it in his heart to leave her yet.


"She says she wants to go home. I just need you to sign the paperwork," Draco stated as he dropped the file on Bott's desk.

"Not what I had in mind, but alright. She's going to need an aid."

"An aid? But she can take care of herself, especially if she's in her own place."

"And if something were to go wrong, we need someone to stick around. Now, you can either stay there or stop by in the morning till the evening."

"Wait, me? Why me?"

"Well she's your patient, Malfoy. You can pick someone else if you would like but I know you wouldn't trust anyone else with her."

"What am I going to tell my wife? She's never going to trust me alone with her."

"Does she have a reason not to?"

Draco stopped himself before he could go further. "No, sir," he seethed.

"Malfoy, you do know that involving yourselves with patients is a violation of your rights as Healer?"

"I'm aware, nothing's going on. It's just my wife, she gets a bit jealous."

"...Like I said, pick someone else if you wish." Then he signed the papers.

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