Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

The warm sleeping body next to Draco was not there when he awoke. The cool breeze swept over his bare arm and he wondered where Hermione was. He walked out of their room and into the living room where Hermione hovered over various newspapers with a cup of coffee in her hand and another cup on the table.

"What are you doing?" he asked, startling her.

"Oh, Malfoy! Don't do that, god," he smirked at her, "I'm looking for a new position for you at a different hospital."

"Granger," he began.

"I'm not going to let you be jobless knowing that it was my fault!" he went to her side and sat down, bringing her in closer to him. "It's not your fault I was fired. Besides, if I really wanted to keep that job I would have fought for it. For now, let's just enjoy the time we have together." She kissed him softly and laid a hand on his cheek as she did so. She then took her wand and waved it over his coffee, the smoke rising from it as she did. "Thanks," he said and took his cup and sipped.

Suddenly, a knock came at the door. Hermione went to open it and an unfamiliar face appeared from behind. A tall man with a Healer's lab coat and a St. Mungo's badge greeted Hermione. "Good morning, Ms. Granger. I'm Healer Stephen, I've been assigned to you as your new Healer."

Draco eyed him wearily as he stepped into the flat, immediately making eye contact with him.

"Oh right," Hermione spoke, "I forgot they were sending someone new. I suppose you know Draco from the hospital as well." Draco stood up and put his coffee on the table. He went over to shake his hand but still had a cautious eye.

"Well I'm fairly new at the hospital so I haven't been formally introduced. I've heard many things about you, Mr. Malfoy," Stephen stated.

"Just what do you plan on doing exactly?," Malfoy asked rather rudely.

"Well, I'm afraid that's strictly confidential," Stephen retorted.

"I'm her husband," he immediately stated.

"But I'm keeping my maiden name for the time being," Hermione informed. She wasn't entirely aware they were coming out with that information anyway. " apologies," Stephen apologized, "I suppose you should know since you're family. Although, I didn't read anything about a husband in your paperwork, Ms. Granger."

"We are un-officially married," Draco interjected, "Is that a problem?"

Hermione glared at him while Stephen responded, "Not a problem at all. Just have to update the paperwork now. That's all. And since you asked about what I was planning on doing, it was just basic testing to see if anything changed. Also as your Healer, I'm to be living with you as an aid for assistance."

"What?!" Draco exclaimed. Hermione nudged him in the side, shutting him up for now.

"Is that really necessary?" Hermione asked, "I can assure you, Malfoy will take care of me here."

"Mr. Malfoy is no longer a Healer at St. Mungo's. Therefore we can't entrust him with your care." Draco was ready to punch the prick right in the nose, but Hermione kept a firm grip on his forearm.

"If you have any problems, you can take it up with Mr. Bott. But I can assure you that if you wish to stay in your home instead of the hospital, then you will need an authorized Healer to be your aid."

"Can you give us just one minute?" Hermione excused politely. She dragged Draco into the kitchen and spoke quietly.

"I think we should let him stay," she stated.

"What? No way, I'm not having that prick treat you in anyway."

"I'm not going back to that hospital room, Draco. So it's either staying here or the hospital," she decided.

Draco pondered the thought. He supposed that either way Stephen is still her Healer. And he preferred to be living with Hermione instead of visiting her at St. Mungo's. "...Alright, Granger," he finally agreed.

They walked out again into the living room where Stephen waited patiently. "We won't need to be going to Bott with this. You can stay with us," she said.

"Alright then. I'm gonna come back later with my things," he stated as he made his way to the door. "And don't worry, you'll barely notice I'm even here," he stated and shut the door on his way out.

"I hate that guy," Draco commented.

"You're just jealous I have a new Healer. And who knows? Maybe he's not as bad as you think."

He hoped she was right.

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