My bestfriend

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Diamonds POV
    I was hanging out with Emerald and Luke until like 3 in the morning, until Emeralds phone buzzed.
      "I have to go" she said in excitement. Luke's smile dropped.
       "Where you going?"Luke's says in concern.
        "Ethan wants to hang out." She says with a huge smile.
         "It's like 3:26, he just wants to have sex. What's wrong with me and Diamond?." He's really mad. I can tell he actually cares about her safety.
          "Why do you care about what I do". She says basically yelling  in his face.
         "You know what? Go have fun get laid I don't care anymore. I wish you the best with your baby daddy..." He says it so calmly compared to the way she was yelling at him.
          She runs out the door and runs down the street she probably wasn't going to his house.
          Luke stares at the blank tv screen clearly thinking, you could tell he regretted what he had just said to Emerald.
           I go up to my room and jump on my bed just trying to find something to do I blast my music on my beats pill. I start to dance on my bed really bad and Luke scares me when he opens the door and screams "BOO!!!!!"
          "Ahaaaahhhhhh, why would you do that you ass". He was in a really good mood which was shocking cuz his bestfriend just yelled at him. He jumps on my bed and lays down.
         "Don't get to comfortable, Luke I don't mind jumping on you"
I say hinting that I really don't want him to fall asleep on my bed.
       "Shush you always ruin the fun". He says laughing closing his eyes.
        "How would you kn-"my phone interrupts me with multiple sounds. My best friend from home just texted me.

       Ashton💩💩- how's Australia??
Diamond 🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄- oh my god it's good I haven't heard from you in like hours.
      Luke peeks over my shoulder and takes my phone and starts texting Ashton
Diamond 🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄-oh my god like my new brother like is so cute like and his muscles are huge #slay bye cuteness love ya toddles!!!
Ashton 💩💩-???Diamond??? I'm pretty sure this isn't Diamond.
       "Luke gimme back my phone, I'm not playing I'm gonna cut ur penis off if u don't give me my phone."I say with a straight face.
       "Oh crap here you go". He says holding his crotch.
Ashton wants to FaceTime and I accept. When I answer the call he looks like he just got out of bed. I quickly remember that it's around 4:00 now. "Hey Diamond why are you still up its like 4 in the morning?" Ashton says in pure curiosity.
"If your complaining about the time I would like to remind you that you texted me first". I say in a duh tone.
"you got a point there, but anyway I have a surprise for you" he says changing the subject.
"Oohhoo I like surprises". I could only imagine what he was about to say.
"I may or may not be coming to Australia for a few months to visit my aunt Sheryl". I can't believe it my best friend is coming to Australia I'm literally thrilled.
"Oh my gosh when will you be here". I say with more questions popping in my head as I go.
"In a few weeks, I should be there by the end of August." Ashton says, my big smile turned into a frown.
"I'm gonna be starting school then." Ugh. I was so upset I wouldn't have time to see my best friend.
"well I could come to your house after your school just text me the address when I get there". Ashton says finding a solution quick and fast like he always does.
"Alright well I'm going to sleep I'm effing tired"I say not really telling the truth. I was tired but I probably wouldn't be going to sleep.
"Kay goodnight, Diamond". Ashton says while clicking the red phone to end the call.
I just noticed that Luke is just standing there and was staring at me while I was on FaceTime with Ashton. "I thought you didn't have boyfriend". Luke says obviously trying to mess with me.
"I don't that was my bestfriend Ashton, key word Best friend not boyfriend". I can already predict what Luke was going to say.
"No girl is best friends with a guy obviously older than you by um 2 years I'll say and has nothing going on". I was completely right. Why can't it be ok for girls and guys to be best friend. Geez. And then I remember Emerald.
"but Emeralds a girl and you too are best friends".
"Exactly, why do you think I got mad when she said he called?" I look at him with furrowed eyebrows. "Calm down, it's just a small crush that comes and goes". I nod my head.
"Oh speaking of Emerald, do you know if she's ok she seemed pretty upset". I say concerned.
"Yea she went home I watched her go inside her house." He says it so calmly yet i find it so creepy.
"um how'd you watch her go inside her house you creep, you never even left the house". I say really wanting  answers.
"She lives next door, genius I watched her from the window cuz I wanted to make sure she was safe, I don't trust that Ethan guy". He says using hand gestures.

My Adorable Step Brother (COMPLETED) (Luke Hemmings)Where stories live. Discover now