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Luke's POV
yea I punched him and it felt good to know that it will shut him up for a while and that I protected my girl today. She doesn't understand how happy she makes me. And we were going to music so that made me even more happier.
In the beginning of class our teacher announced that we had a 5 month long project to do and it was to make a group of four and by the end of the 5 months we were to have an original song and they're had to be some instruments being played during it. I already knew who my group was going to be and we all had a strong passion for music. It would be Diamond, Calum, Michael and I.
Michael could play guitar and Calum would play bass and me and Diamond would sing and I would play guitar as well. When our teacher said that we were allowed to start all four of us didn't even have to ask we just naturally came to each other and started to make plans. After a while of us talking music, out the corner of my eye I saw Thomas with blood stains on his white shirt and he was holding an ice pack to his nose. I seriously hated seeing people in pain but he deserved it. It's funny me and Thomas used to be good friends.
He gives the teacher a late pass and he assigns Thomas to a group that only had 3 people. They were upset. I don't blame them. He glances over to Diamond but then makes eye contact with me. He quickly looks away. I put my hand on her thigh claiming her. She is mine and will always be. She takes a glance up at me and gets up she hugs me from the back and whispers in my ear "thank you babe". Yes! she has never called me babe, I was always the one calling her babe and beautiful, this is a really good thing.
After that period school was over and done with until tomorrow. We walk to my car, hand in hand. Once we get into the car we looked into each other's eyes. Our lips met and the kiss got deeper. After like 6 minutes of kissing there was a tap on my window. It was a teacher telling us that we shouldn't be doing any thing like that on school property.
     "So you wanna finish this at home" I say knowing that she would say yes. I started to drive and I looked down to see if I had a boner. Holy crap it was standing up. I was wearing skinny jeans so it kinda didn't show but it was still noticeable. I was tryna move around in my seat so she wouldn't notice. But she then did the unexpected.
     "I can see how hard you are you don't have to hide it babe" she whispered in my ear like if she was trying to keep a secret but no one else was in the car. She did it to seduce me and of course it worked. We got home and we both ran in the house giggling like two drunk teens. We walked into my room and I took my shirt off thinking we would get straight to business. She got on top of me and started to kiss me. I grazed my tongue against her bottom lip asking for an entrance. She approved and it was like heaven. I started to take my pants off still kissing her but I guess when she heard my zipper she looked down and broke the kiss.
      "What's wrong baby" I say wanting to know why she stopped.
    "Remember...... I'm still a virgin". She says looking down at my half pulled down pants.
      "Oh yeah..... I forgot" I was pretty sad because I really wanted some. I slowly pulled my pants back up.
     "I'm sorry babe it's just I'm scared" she says playing with her charm bracelet.
    "No it's ok I get it" I didn't want her feeling bad because she didn't wanna have sex and I of course didn't want to pressure her.
       "I'm going to my room" she says getting up and fixing her skirt.
     "Can I come" I wanted to spend all my time with her.
      "Um yeah just let me change first into some pjs" she says leaving the room and of course I followed her. She walked in and I was waiting by the door way and I think she purposely left the door open. She started taking of he shirt slowly. If I wasn't gonna have sex with her it was at least nice to watch her get almost naked. I walked in to lay on her bed she saw me and didn't say anything. She was still in her bra and underwear when she slowly got on top of me sweet talking the shit out of me.
    "Diamond, Luke were home!!!" I hear my dad yell from down stairs.
     Diamonds face was mortified she jumped off of me and basically kicked me out of her room I was still shirtless so I went to my room and I hear her close the door. 1 minute later she walked out of her room in sweat pants and a crop top that made her body look so good.
    We both walked downstairs hugging our parents and welcoming them. They asked how the first day was and we both said it was alright. After 10 minutes they said they were tired so they went to there room. Once I heard the door close. I looked at Diamond. She was already looking at me.
    "Why are you still shirtless" she says throwing a pillow at me.
    "Why are you trying to kill me with a pillow" I was so surprised that I caught the pillow I thought it would like break a vase or something.
       "I'm going upstairs" she says getting up walking to the stairs.
      "Ooh can we start were we left off" I get up following her.
     "Only if we keep the door cl-" she was interrupted.
    "What are you going continue with" my dad comes out of no where asking. I had no idea what to say.
    "Oh we were playing a video game and he's upset that I was winning so he wants a rematch" yea my girl is a great liar.
    "Ok have fun" he was oblivious. Dang dad I thought you were a teenage boy before and you would know what we were up to but no.

My Adorable Step Brother (COMPLETED) (Luke Hemmings)Where stories live. Discover now