First kiss drama

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Luke's POV
Calum just stares at me blankly. He was probably so confused. I immediately regret asking him.
"Well she's real cool but no I wouldn't do that". It sounded like he was calling her a ' "that".
     "What do you mean that" I ask hopefully he wasn't calling her a hoe or something like that.
     "Like I wouldn't go out with your sister I wouldn't do that to you , your my best friend man." Good.
      "Oh okay co-". I get a text message from Diamond.
DIAMOND🦄🦄🦄~ I'm lonely are you guys coming back in soon.
    I show Calum the text and we go inside his room. We see Diamond standing up when we get back.
    "Hey Luke we got to go my mom wants us back by 5 and its 4:45". She says getting her bag from Calums bed.
    "Um ok..." I say saying goodbye to Calum. She hugs Calum. And we leave.
     When we get in the car I ask her why her mom wanted us back so early.
    "Oh she doesn't need us I just didn't wanna be there anymore". She says while smirking at me.
   "Oh you're a great liar then". I say laughing. She nods her head agreeing with me. It gets quite but I didn't want her to be the one to break the silence. "Have you ever had your first kiss" I say just wanting to know. She stares at me and her eyebrows furrow.
     "No I've never had an official first kiss". Well with that I had to take advantage and pullover.
     "Diamond look at me". When she finally does I kiss her. Our lips move in sync. I smile at the fact that she doesn't pull away. The kiss is strong and passionate. I slightly graze my tongue against her bottom lip, asking for an entrance. She opens her mouth and our tongues meet. Her hands move from my shoulders to my jawline. My hands are at the back of her neck and I can feel her goosebumps.
      Sadly she pulls away smiling our foreheads still touching, were staring into each other's eyes. We're both out of breath.
      "And now you've had your first kiss, your pretty good for your first time by the way". I say trying to be funny, I can already tell that she is thinking about what her mom and my dad would say.
       "You know we're not blood related right were only related by marriage". I say just trying to reassure her thoughts.
     "Yea I know". We drive back home in silence. When we get home she just runs upstairs and I can hear the door slam.
      I decided that I would go to my room change and play my guitar. As I start to get my guitar I start to hear someone playing a guitar. It's amazing. I choose to listen for awhile and then I hear her singing. I thought she only had an electric guitar but that was an acoustic. 
    She's singing show you by Shawn Mendes. She's amazing.
She stops for a while and that's when I knock on her door. I hear shuffling and then she says "come in".
      When I walk in she doesn't have her guitar. I wanted to talk to her so I sit on her bed. I start off by asking a simple question. "Was that you singing". Her eyes open up wide and her cheeks turn red.
       "You heard me?" She asks obviously knowing the answer.
       "Yeah, and you were great, but can we talk serious for a moment". She nods her head in approval.
    "So the kiss, do you regret it in anyway". I ask that being the first question I ask.
      "As a matter of fact no not at all, I actually enjoyed it, it's just what is Andrew and my mom gonna say and I know we don't have to tell them but what wi-"she asks so much questions she needs to calm down.
       "Shh relax, you worry too much". I just want her to relax I don't want her worrying about anything. A moment of silence passed and she broke it.
        "It's only been 3 weeks that I've known you so can we just take things slow, I still would really like to get to know you better, you could be like a drug dealer and i wouldn't know". She's laughing ever so gently and I love it.
      "Fine but first I want to hear you sing and play your guitar". I really wanted her to be more open to me about her true self so that was good that she wanted to get to know each other more.
     "Fine". she gets off her bed and she gets her guitar from her closet, which may I mention isn't fair because her closet is walk in and mine isn't.
      She sits on her desk and plays another Shawn Mendes song except this time it's A Little Too Much. When she sings she hits every note perfectly. I start to sing with her and she looks at me smiling. We finish the song and she says that I'm a really good singer.

My Adorable Step Brother (COMPLETED) (Luke Hemmings)Where stories live. Discover now