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Diamonds POV
We all woke up to Crystals very helpful alarm. We woke up at 6 enough time for all of us to get ready take our time and look cute. I decide on a black T shirt dress with a flannel tied around my waist, knee high socks and Dark purple dr. Martens. Crystal picked out a white t that said 'play with fairies, ride a unicorn, swim with mermaids, fly to the moon' with blue shorts and a pink flower crown. We weren't the same shoe size so she wore the black vans from yesterday. Emerald wore a burgundy crop top, black shorts knee socks and a blue flannel paired with low cut white converse. We all curled our hair together using the same curling iron. Me and Crystal both did our makeup. Emerald doesn't need makeup bc her face naturally looks like she has makeup, with her long thick eyelashes and flawless complexion. We were both done getting ready by 7:28. We go down stairs to get food. We see all the boys still in the living room sleeping. We exchange looks and we all jump on top of our guys screaming "wake up, school!" They all wake up with morning breath. Eww gross. We all move away once we smell it. Me, crystal and Emerald eat waffles with Nutella and strawberrys it was effing awesome thanks to the great cook crystal.
All the boys come downstairs as me and Emerald wash the dishes. Luke comes down the stairs wearing a green flannel with a band t shirt that I've never heard of, with black ripped jeans and black converse. Calum was wearing a black and white baseball tee and black skinny jeans and black converse and Michael was wearing an all time low muscle tank and black converse. It's like they planned this. There all wearing black jeans and black converse.
We all drive our own cars except me and Emerald. Michael has his car, Crystal has hers, Calum and Emerald were together and so were me and Luke. We all drive together with Michael getting there first, then no longer than 10 seconds later we all pull up to the front gate. While walking into school were all holding hands with our boyfriends/really hot step brother. When Britney and her cheer friends start making fun of Crystal. How she was a nerd, and just other stupid shit. Crystal left it alone and so did the guys but me and Emerald didn't people messing with our bestfriend.
    "Shut the fuck up you slut you have no right to be talking shit" I say stopping with Emerald in front of Britney.
    "Well it's not my fault your boyfriend can't get enough of me" she says twirling her hair and winking at not Luke but Calum.
    "Oh bitch I know your not looking at my boyfriend" Emerald says stepping closer to Britney.
   "Yeah I was, what are you going to do about it, you know last year me and Calum fucked" we all knew she was lying because Calum is still a virgin and still acts like it. With her comment Calum, Luke and Michael step over and start defending there girls.
    "Stop fucking lying, your always talking shit when reality check no one likes you everyone thinks your a slut" I say defending my friends, that's when the bell rang and I realized that there was a crowd forming around us.
Rrrriiiinnngggg late bell.
See now thanks to that perky fucking bitch I'm late for math. I say good bye to Emerald and Crystal and make my way to first period alone. The guys were in the music room dropping off there guitars for today's music class. As I was walking alone in the empty halls, I feel someone grab my ass from behind. I turn around and slap the jerk who thought it was a good idea to touch me. It was Thomas.
    "What the fuck was that for babe?" Thomas says grabbing me by the waist.
     "Don't fucking call me that, and get your dirty ass hands off of me" I say trying to get off his grip. I scream and he covers my mouth, I kick and he twist my ankle. There's no point in trying to be strong now unless I want all of my limbs broken and or gone.
     I see Luke Calum and Michael walking up the hall. I'm safe, they saw me and now they're going to help me. Luke comes first and punches Thomas, but he's still holding on to my waist at this point I'm crying. Calum takes Thomas' arms and he kinda twists them but in more of an aggressive way. Michael catches me as I almost fall in the ground hitting my head. He brings me to a corner wipes my eyes and tells me to calm down and that from now on there not letting me go any where alone, from there Michael walks me to my class as Luke and Calum are still beating Thomas up.
   ***skips to middle of lunch***
Crystal was reading Harry Potter prisoner of Azkaban with her legs on top of Michaels lap they were adorable.
It's too bad that Emerald had a different lunch. Me and Luke were feeding each other grapes. Calum obviously felt weird so we stopped and started talking about tacos.
The end of lunch came and we went to music. The teacher soon announced that for the project we were allowed to bring outside talent.
"Well Ashton he plays the drums and we need a drummer, can we put him in he's really good" I offer Calum and Michael were ok with it but I really had to convince Luke.
"Why don't you like him plz I'll make sure he's on his best behavior" I say trying to at least get him to think about it.
"You know what fine, but if he even says the wrong thing I'm slapping him" I can't wait till tomorrow that's when Ashton is coming to just stay over and then in a few months the day we get our grades we will play the song.

My Adorable Step Brother (COMPLETED) (Luke Hemmings)Where stories live. Discover now