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Diamonds POV
   As soon as I get home I skip to my room and call Ashton. After the 2nd ring he picked up.
Ashton- hello
Diamond- hi what's wrong you seem upset
Ashton- oh nothing just woke up
Diamond- it's 4pm how did you just wake up?
Ashton- I took a nap and don't forget I finished school last year
Diamond - oh yeah I forgot, how's it like being a free man
Ashton- you say it like I just came outta jail
Diamond- hahahaha
Ashton- so what's the real reason you called me I'm coming over to your house tomorrow.
Diamond- oh yeah I wanted to know if you could play the drums for me Luke and two of his other friends for a music project
Ashton- oh yeah sure but I thought Luke didn't like me
Diamond- well he said he'll deal with you for me
Ashton- for you? Oh somethings going on you have to tell me the details tomorrow
Diamond- you sound like a gossiping girl
Ashton- hahaha well I'm going to go my aunt wants me to go to the store
Diamond- ok see ya tomorrow
End of conversation
"So you got Ashton to play for us?" Luke says standing in my door frame.
"How long have you been standing there" I say not answering his question.
"Once you got on the phone with him, I walked in" he says walking further into my room.
"Oh and yea I got him to play for us but you need to be nicer" I say going into my closet to change into pjs. Luke stays on my bed.
"Well he's the reason I was being rude, he was purposely getting on my nerves, babe" Luke complains I can't see him but I had a feeling that he was getting upset.
"Yeah he's like that but he just wanted to be a little hard on you cuz he knew I liked you" i say realizing that I just told Luke that I've liked him since before the day Ashton and him met.
Surprisingly he says nothing about it. I come out wearing Victoria secret pajama shorts and a white cami. I had just found my old fuzzy house slippers so I was wearing those to. Luke just stared at me up and down as I walk out of my closet on my phone.
"Hey Diamond you mind changing your pants" he says looking straight in my eyes it was weird it was like he didn't want to look at the rest of my body.
"Why what's wrong with these" I truly didn't understand why I needed to change.
"Because those shorts make your ass look real nice and I'm getting a little hard" he says referring to his penis.
"Uh ok" I laugh not wanting to say anything else. I go back in my closet and put on baggy sweat pants that hopefully won't get him hard. After I change I hear my phone vibrate.
Ashton💩💩- is it cool if I come over now and stay the night?
     Diamond🦄🦄- of course. Can't wait to see you.
      Ashton💩💩- cool I should be there in an hour give or take.
      Diamond🦄🦄- k see u in 2 hours.
      Ashton💩💩- what I won't be that late
      Diamond🦄🦄- your always late somehow. See ya
      Ashton💩💩- I want you to time me so I could prove to u.
      Diamond🦄🦄-we'll see, bye

I set my timer and clock him. Then I realize Luke. "Hey uh Ashton is coming over in a few hours is that ok?" I say hoping it is.
   "Yeah sure," he says so plainly.
   "You upset?" I say concerned
    "No, I'm good" he's obviously not good.
     "Whatever" I say going back into my closet to see what I would wear for when he comes over. We always end up leaving the house when he came over to my old house, so I expect the same. I don't know why but I want to look cute.
   I pick out a regular grey tee a black circle skirt and black converse, not what I planned but I'm to lazy to change. I put it on and look in the mirror I add a few rings and put my hair in a pony tail. I look good. Sorta. After an hour and some change the door bell rings. As I walk to the door I check the timer. 1 hour 43 minutes and 12 seconds. Pretty good.
     When I open the door Ashton almost instantaneously says "how'd I do?" Referring to the amount of time he took. I tell him how long and he smiles. He walks in and brings out his hand for Luke (who is standing on the stairs) to shake it. Luke nods saying no to the handshake. I expected that, Luke doesn't like people he doesn't know or like touching him. I take my best friends hand and take him to the living room making him sit on the couch. I take a glance over at the stairs and sure enough Luke is sitting on one of the steps on his phone taking peeks at us once every few minutes. Me and Ashton start talking about random things and then he asks if we could go to star bucks. See he always wants to go somewhere. I say yes and we start walking out the door when Ashton says "go back inside and cover up, it's pretty cold" ugh seriously. I go back inside and put a leather jacket and some black sheer tights on.
"Happy?" I ask referring to my outfit.
"Very, let's go babe" he says looking at Luke. Luke looks up from his phone really quick due to Ashton's comment.
"You really need to stop" Luke says warning Ashton.
"Uh we should start going, bye babe" I say giving Luke a quick peck on the lips.
"Good idea" Luke responds as we start to leave my house. After a few seconds of comfortable silence I speak up. "That was un called for" I say hinting that when we get back home he should apologize.
      "Uh fine" he agreed as we walked into Starbucks. I ordered a sea salt caramel frappe. Ashton ordered a regular caramel ice coffee because he can't pronounce all the other stuff.
When we go to pay I take out my wallet. Ashton tells me to put it away and I don't. He quickly fishes for the money and gives it to the lady before I can even pull out the money.
"You guys are a really cute couple" the cashier says as she takes Ashton's money.
"Oh we uh aren't um a couple were just best friends" you could tell Ashton felt weird when he said that. I smile as we go take a seat waiting for our drinks. We sit there in silence until a man calls out our names.
"Why the eff do they always spell my name wrong it's not that hard" he says grabbing his coffee from the counter.
"How'd they spell it?" I ask trying to look over at his cup.
"A-m-s-h-t-o-n" he spells out what is suppose to be his name.
"Hahaha not as bad as last time" I say referring to the time where they wrote Jake on his cup. It was because we were talking about Jake from State Farm. We walk out of Starbucks and walk towards my house.

My Adorable Step Brother (COMPLETED) (Luke Hemmings)Where stories live. Discover now