You bore me

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Diamond POV
    Emerald and Calum finally stopped exchanging saliva, and they were talking and smiling. They left together around 3 which was pretty early for them.
They left and me and Luke were alone. We just talk about random stuff and then we started to talk about school. Ugh. I wasn't scared to meet new people, I'm not nervous.
"You know Diamond, the school dress code says you can't have purple hair". Luke says picking up a piece of the purple in my hair.
"Yea I know wanna help me take it out and dye some of it blonde". I say playing with the ends of my hair.
"Sure, can't wait to see your natural hair color." He says getting up and taking his hand out helping me up from the floor.
After hours of washing all the dye out and putting some blonde in I was finally done. "You know you didn't help me at all". I say not really being mad.
"I entertained you without me you would have been bored, so you're welcome". He says while jumping on my bed and making himself comfortable.
      I don't answer back and go to lay next to him. And then he asks a question that I thought he never would. "What ever happened to your real father?". He says while looking into my eyes.
     "Well, he cheated on my mom". I tried to keep it short and simple  without getting into to many details.
"Oh, um I-i I'm sorry to h-hear that". Luke says stuttering. Maybe that hit home. I wonder what happened to his mom.
"So your mother?". I say wanting an exchange for what I told him about my father.
"She left my dad a few years after I was born I never really knew why but it had to be a good reason". He says while his face getting red and his eyes getting watery. I go over to hug him and he puts his hand on my back, while holding tight. I put my head on his shoulder and we cried in each other's arms. Well it was mostly me crying but he comforted me. We fell asleep in my bed.
     When I woke up, I checked my phone and it was 10 pm. Also Luke wasn't there. I got my butt outta my bed and walked into Luke's room, he was shirtless and in his boxers changing. His back was facing towards the door. I assumed he didn't notice me but of course with my luck he says "like what you see?". He says not turning around.
      I start to walk over to him and say "well you could always work out more" while rubbing his arms.
    "Shut up, Diamond". He said while pushing me on to his bed playfully. I end up landing on his phone and typical Luke it's not locked so I was planning to take selfies. I click the camera and take the pictures. I took like 20 different selfies doing all types of faces. I press the home button and then go into the gallery to see how the pictures turned out and trying to delete the ugly ones.
When I finish I ended deleting them all because either they were blurry or just plain ugly. That led to the last picture he took. It was him naked in a full view mirror. It was taken today. I started dying of laughter and continue swiping I literally kept finding nudes.😳
"Oh no I found your nudes". I say looking up at him waiting for his reaction.
"You found what!!". He yells as he runs over to me to get his phone. I'm still laughing non stop.
"I'm never letting you use my phone again". He says snatching his phone from my hand.
"So who were you planning to send those pics to". I say teasing him.
"I'm like 2.3 seconds away from kicking you out of my room". He says laying down next to me in his bed.
"I bet you won't." As I say that he starts tickling me. That was torture. One thing led to another and we ended up making out.
After a good 10 minutes of straight kissing. He pulls away. "What's wrong Luke". I say wanting his lips back on mine.
"Nothing I just got bored". He says so plainly. Well that's offensive. What does he mean by that.
"Ok" I respond awkwardly. After about 12 seconds I decided to just get up and go to my room. So what if he was bored with me, what does he expect a circus act, well too bad Luke I can't juggle. I get my guitar and start playing random chords. Out of anger I slam my door and change into pjs. Which were some VS short shorts that said WEEKEND on the back and a white ripped crop top that I don't wear anymore.
I go downstairs to get a snack and of course I see Luke watching tv on the couch. I roll my eyes and go to the cabinet and grab the Nutella and a spoon. When I try to go back upstairs I find Luke blocking the stairwell entrance.
"Move". I say trying to push thru him but it was no use.
"Why would I do that with nothing in return". He questions coming closer to me.
"Excuse me" he still didn't move.
"How about you kiss me and then I'll think about moving". I roll my eyes, I could've sworn this dude said no longer than an hour ago that I bored him.
"No thanks I wouldn't wanna bore you to death." I say turning my head and with that we were making out on the staircase.

My Adorable Step Brother (COMPLETED) (Luke Hemmings)Where stories live. Discover now