The first day

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Diamond POV
  I woke up at 6:00 am. First day of school. Wow. I was so excited for nothing. I woke up and got out of my room to check on Luke. I forgot to last night.
"Come in". I walk in and he is half naked only in his boxers. I really don't mind I've seen way more than that.
       "Hey Diamond, ready for the first day". He says with a smile. Like nothing had just happened.
       "Nah not really I woke up to early and I was looking over my schedule and I noticed that I have math 1st period. I hate math." I really hate the subject and plus I don't know any body in the school except Calum and Luke and Emerald.
       "Oh I have math first period too so we'll be together.". That's good I guess.
      "Well I'm gonna start getting ready". I say leaving the room.
       I walk in my bathroom and start showering, and shaving.I get out of the bathroom after what feels like 2 minutes but was really 30 minutes. It was 7:09. I have about 45 mins left to get ready. I get my planned outfit and put it on. I put my simple purple lipstick and eyeliner look. I call it my look because I'm always doing it. It's my go to. It was only 7:27. So much time. I go downstairs and grab a bowl of fruit. It takes me like 15 mins to finish. I still had like 10 minutes left so I went upstairs to go bother Luke.
   "Boo!!" I say trying to scare Luke.
  "Oh my gosh you scared me I'm gonna shrivel up and die now aaahhh". He says pretending to be scared.
       "Shut up, you butt head". I say punching him in the shoulder softly.
     "You ready to go Diamond" he asks smiling grabbing his book bag and putting it on one shoulder.
"Yeah let's go." I say running into my room and grabbing my phone and back pack. When I get down stairs I see Luke already opening the car door to get inside.
"Get in beautiful". He says while opening the passenger door. My cheeks started burning hot. I hated when people called me beautiful or pretty but when Luke did it it made me so happy. When I got in the car I waited for him to get in the drivers seat and put the key into the ignition until I pressed the button to the radio. He immediately turned it off. I didn't want to argue so I just let him be.
"Hey Diamond can I see your schedule" he says when we get to a stop sign. I give him my agenda and he pulls his out from his pocket. He start awkwardly laughing.
"We have all the same classes and the same lunch". He says just finishing his laugh.
"What. I'm never going to get a break from you". I say playing around.
"I don't know why you would want to. I mean I'm freaking awesome". He says as we pull up to my new school. We both get out and I try to grab his hand he immediately moves it knowing that everyone knows that he's my "brother". Everybody is staring at me. Guys whistling. Girls whispering. I over hear a girl whisper something about me and Luke. Oh well.
     When we enter the front door Luke says to give me his schedule again and when I do he tells me that our lockers are right next to each other. Great same classes and were locker neighbors. Note the sarcasm.
     We walk together to 1st period math and he takes a seat next to Calum and some boy with brownish blonde fringe hair over his eye. I try to take a seat by the window but before I can take my seat the teacher says "excuse me miss you have to introduce yourself to the class, but you can put your bag down first". I quickly notice her small nose piercing. Her roots are brown but most of her hair is a yellow blonde color. She looks pretty young maybe in her mid 20s.
     "Um ok" I put my bag down and make my way up to the front of the class. Surprisingly the class was quite. There were girls who didn't appear to be to evil so I was happy and some really good looking guys so that was a score. "Uh, my name is Diamond Vega, I just moved here from California and yeah". I start making my way back to my seat when the teacher Ms. Finnegaen says that she would like to know more about me so I'm still standing in the middle of the room when she basically giving me a interview.
    "What is your favorite subject, sweetheart". She asks fumbling with papers from her desk.
     "I.....uh, my favorite subject is music". I say not wanting any more of the attention on me. I could already feel stares burn into my back like hot rocks at the spa.
      "Aww that's cute but I meant something educational like English, math, science or technology maybe History". I hate her already.
      "No music is my favorite subject and so is art I'm sorry if you disagree". I say sitting back down while Calum Luke and there crazy haired friend start to clap.
      "Ok well moving on I know today is your first day but we're still going to learn about variables and when you hear variables you better think algebra and ........."
After that I zoned out already being bored af.
     20 mins later of me looking out the window and watching planes fly by I hear my phone buzz.
Luke🐧🐧- I'm bored
Of course I text back and say
Diamond🦄🦄- me too
We had a whole conversation during the 25 minutes left of class we mostly talked about song lyrics and what they mean.
  I looked straight to my schedule and it said that I have History. Ugh I had to walk up a flight of stairs. I'm so lazy. When I leave the math room. I look for the staircase when I find it I see a few big bulky guys blocking the door I politely say "excuse me" while trying to push through. It didn't work and one of the center guys says "what's a cute girl like you walking alone in the halls". He was actually pretty cute himself. I decided to stay quiet not really understanding his tone. I couldn't tell if he was messing with me or flirting with me.
    "How bout I walk you to your next class". Ok definitely flirting I didn't say anything so he took that as a yes. He puts his arm over me resting his hand on my shoulder.
He opens the stair door leaving his other friends behind.
     "So you got a boyfriend"? He says out of nowhere.
     "Nope" I say feeling more comfortable.
    "Oh I forgot to mention that I'm Thomas you can call me tommy" I really didn't care who he was.
      "Ok tommy I'm Diamond, you can call me Diamond". I say when we finally get to my class. I expected him to laugh. Guess not.
       "Hey this is my next class to I guess we have this class together". He still has his arm around me and of course Luke is giving him a death stare. He really needs to stop being jealous I don't even like Thomas or toddy or whatever his name is.

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