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It was coming up to my stop so I pulled my headphones out and reached for the stop button but someone had already pressed it. I got up and headed down the stairs and started to walk up towards my school. I could feel eyes on me so I turned back to see the stank boy walking up to school, in the same uniform as me🤗

"Why you watching me?" He asked with a smirk playing on the corner of his lips.

"You're watching me" I scoffed and a smile appeared on his face revealing his perfect pearly white teeth. He made me feel self conscious tbh. My teeth were straight and white as ever but I had a sly gap in the middle.

"If im watching you, it means you're watching me because you know I'm watching you" he said gazing into my hazel eyes.

"What?" I said abit confused.

"I confused myself tbh" he laughed, making me laugh aswell. He stopped laughing and watched me laugh. He made me feel self conscious again as I knew my teeth was on show.

Just before he opened his mouth to speak I cut in. "Shutup. I know ok!" I snapped before turning around and walking into school. I was well over an hour late fuck.

I felt a hand touch my shoulder and I turned around to see him boring into me. "I need a timetable. Where do I go?" He asked and I pointed to reception. He played dumb not knowing where I was pointing so I took him to reception and got him his timetable. Wow same class as me🤗. Science on the top floor of the far side.

I sighed before walking, him following behind in an awkward silence.

"My names Kadeem" he said appearing beside me.

"Angela" I replied bluntly. I opened the door to the stair case and started walking up the stairs.

"Your name rings a bell una. One of my boys was chatting about you" he said calmly and then stopped. I sighed in frustration and turned to look at him watching me with a smirk on his face.
"Do you want to know who?"he asked a smile playing on his lips.

"You're so annoying" I giggled. "Yeah, who was chatting about me?"

"I can't even remember tbh. When it hits me I'll tell you alright" he laughed and I just sighed before carrying on walking.

We got to the top floor, standing right outside the science class room. I was about to go in before he held my wrist and I winced in pain. Antoines grip was way too hard making Kadeem's soft touch hurt like mad.

"Oh sorry" he said releasing my wrist. "Do I look alright though?" He asked laughing lightly.

"Ah you're a bit of a girl aren't you?!" I laughed and he pushed my arm softly while laughing.

"It was a dumb question anyways, I always look good!" He smirked playing with his bald chin.

"Why you playing with imagination?!" I laughed.

"Ayyayy, soon come, soon come!" He smiled.

"How nice of you to join us Miss.Ramirez" our science teacher snapped poking her head out the door.

"Sorry I'm-"

"Save it. An hour detention after school. You've been truanting all this time!"

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