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"You left me for man why would I wait however long when you didn't even say anything to me?" I argued back. Me and Noelle were arguing about what happened last night.

"Bitch you left me for man too"

"No I never" I laughed. Noelle whipped out her phone and sat on my bed and I sat next to her as she scrolled through snapchat.

"You never left me for man no?" She asked again before bringing up Cdinero247 snapchat story.

"Noelle please I don't even know who this is" I said as it loaded. When it loaded it set in a car and it was dark out, David Blaine was playing in the back and there was me and Cairo rapping along. "I can explain"

"Ha go on then"

"I ordered an Uber and he jumped in as we were talking previously."

"How do you even know Tempz?"


"You let a man you didn't even know the name of in your Uber? Rah"

"That's Cairo"

"So you know him like thaaaat rah. I didn't even know his name was Cairo. He's so lengggg mmmmmmm" she squealed.

"Angela what the fuck you doing with Tempz" Santanna yelled as he busted into my room making my heart pound. I hate when Santannas angry, especially with me.


"Are you fucking deaf, what you doing with Tempz?"

"He erm- we're friends, what's the problem?"

"Last night he was in north-west at that dutty estate so wagwarn? You an opp chick now? Banging for ends now or suttin?" He screwed.  His lips were pushed upwards making his nose wrinkle and eyebrows furrow. The look his face held was pure disgust.

"No the drink up was there but-"

"And you're a liar too now. Give me one reason why I shouldn't bang you in your face right now. Am I an actual prick to have my own fucking blood chilling with a man everyone knows I don't bludclart fuck with." He stated more than asked. His face was turning red-er with every word he spoke.

"Santanna I didn't- I just-"

"She was there because I dragged her there, I lied to her because I knew she wouldn't come west if she knew from before and then we needed a ride home so I asked Cairo for one" Noelle said and tried to come to my rescue however I knew it would backfire on her and me.

"Hm, Cairo yeah" he said more to himself and watched Noelle. I couldn't tell what his next move was gonna be but I knew for a fact it wasn't gonna be good. He didn't even act this mad when he found out about me and Antoine communicating. "Don't take my fucking sister for a prick and lie to her or put her in fucking danger cos on my mothers I'll hurt yuh bludclart"

"Don't fucking chat-" Noelle started

"Don't threaten her Santanna" I said.

"If you want me to hurt your bludclart too say one more word Angela." He said and came further into my room. "I'll wait"

He actually waited for five minutes believe, before kissing his teeth and leaving. I screamed into my pillow before dashing it at my desk, pushing all my neatly piled and organized paper work off it, only making me huff again "Ahhh fuck, Noelle I'm sorry and thankyou" I huffed. "Why the fuck are you laughing?"

"Cos you screamed into your pillow" she howled. Clutching her belly as she died in fits of laughter. "I'm fucking dead"

"Whatever" I screwed trying to hold my laugh in. "I didn't even know him and Cai- Tempz didn't get along. I didn't even know they knew eachother"

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