Chapter 3

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The day carried on as normal, I did the poolside zumba, then grabbed some lunch and the others joined us in the afternoon for the dance lessons and aqua gym. When that finished we had a small dinner and proceeded with the evening entertainment.

"So who wss that guy?" Ruben asked me as we waited for the theatre performance to finish.

"What the English guy? That's Owen..." he looked at me blankly. "From last night's karaoke..."

"Ah si i remember! You know we're not supposed-"

"Ruben nothing is going to happen between us. I've just met him, I live miles away from him and I am just being friendly and showing him round, nothing else!" I had said this all in Spanish just in case he was near.

"Just be careful yeah? I love you and don't want you to be hurt." He acted as though he was my older brother.

"Yes I promise." I nudged him on the shoulder and smiled, I didn't know what I was going to do without him when he leaves.

The next day I was showered, dressed and had eaten, ready and waiting in the lobby at 8:55. As soon as the clock hit 9 Owen walked through the entrance, wearing shorts and a t-shirt, flip flops and a floppy hat that made him look cuter than he already was.

"I feel underdressed," he said as he approached me with a huge smile. I wore a pink and white summer dress with a flowery pattern, a criss cross back and some sandals.

"It is my one day to dress how I want so I thought I would make the most of it," I hugged him as a hello. "Shall we go?"

"You lead the way," he flicked his sunglasses over his eyes, as did I as we left the building and headed for the bus.

Half an hour later we had arrived in the town.

"So what did you want to do?" I was racking my brain for what to show him.

"Can you show me any culture, you knkw music, dancing-"

"Ooo interested in that are we?" I smirked but I don't know why.

"Yeah I- never mind I just love it all! How about we walk that way?" He gestured in front of us.

"There is the most perfect place up here with drinks and music for you, follow me.." I walked slightly in front of him but we still talked, about England and Spain and how old we were. He was only 2 years older than me... not that it mattered. "Here we go." I lead him to the stall and ordered us a non - alcoholic mohito. "Have a Spanish special on me."

"Are you sure I can pay?" He pulled out his wallet.

"No no- my treat." I just made this sound like a date... we sat under the sun drinking our drinks. He took a sip and began to speak.

"So what is your full name?" He asked me, removing his sunglasses.

"It is hard to pronounce without the Spanish accent-"

"I don't care, i want to hear it," he winked at me, again.

"Maria Rosa Cliffe-Hernandéz," I must have gone bright red, although you couldn't really tell on my tanned skin.

"Cliffe?" He chuckled. "Very British!"

"I am half English, I just prefer Spain and clearly my parents do with a name like mine." We both laughed for a while. "So what's yours?"

"Mark Anthony Patrick Owen." He then realised something. "Wait-"

"Mark? But-"

"I faked my first name because I just wanted a holiday where no one would recognise me." He put his sunglasses back on.

"Recognise you?" I must have lived in a hole when I was in England.

"I'm in a band," he came closer and whispered, "Take That."

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