Chapter 5

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I had completed my usual routine before grabbing breakfast, where Ruben saw me and quickly walked over, sitting opposite me.

"Soooo?" He asked eagerly.

"So what?" I tried to act casual about the day before.

"How was your day off yesterday?" He winked at me.

"It was quite nice actually."

"Quite nice?" He lowered his eyebrows in confusion as I attempted to eat my breakfast.

"Okay it was really nice! We danced and talked and ate and I just had the best time." At this point the others had come over.

"What's this?" Juan asked curiously.

"Oh just remembering the good old days back in England. I'll see you all outside. Aqua gym?" They all nodded as I stood up, placing my tray on the rack and headed outside to walk over to the main part of the resort. As I walked I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"You won't do anything silly will you?" It was Ruben.

"No, it's probably just me overthinking things, he's going home next week anyway!" It wasn't as though I was in love with the guy.

"Ok good! Because.... well you know I said I'm leaving?" He couldn't make eye contact with me.

"Yeahh..." I swallowed hard, my best friend-

"They've said today is my last day..." we just stood in silence as I tried to process this.

"Wait- they've moved it? To-"

"Today yes." At this point I didn't know what to do. My eyes were filling up. "I catch the bus back home at 4:00. Luca is taking my lead job and a new guy is coming, he speaks spanish, english, italian, French-"

"I don't care what languages he speaks!" I grabbed him into a hug.

"We'll do this later, I need to go and pack." He smiled and pulled away, heading for the rooms. I slowly started to walk again but this time was greeted by someone else.

"Hola," it was Mark, smiling away and looking extremely sweaty.

"Hello.. are you running?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Yeah, established I need to keep fit while I'm away. So how are you?" He walked alongside me.

"I'm alright yeah, just found out it's Ruben's last day so I could be better."

"Is he the guy you're really close with?" He was giving me a sympathetic smile.

"Yeah, leaves today at 4." I still held in the tears.

"Well if there's anything I can do just let me know," he smiled. "Also do you want help carrying this stuff?" Ruben had left me with all the equipment.

"No you don't have to-" he took it anyway and I just watched his pure muscles as his arms lifted the bags, the gorgeous face that never stopped smiling and the hair that continued to hang over his face.

"So you will meet my friend today?" We continued to walk.

"Oh yes I completely forgot! What time?"

"He should be here within the next hour, he had a night flight."

"Well you know where I'll be, we have beach volley this afternoon that I think you need to do." I smirked.

"Your team?" He winked and had a cheeky smile swept across his face.

"I'll see what I can do," I smirked back and we just kept flirting until we got to the pool. "Thank you for the help, I'll see you later?"

"You will indeed, what time is your lunch break?"

"1-2:30, why?"

"No reason, see you later," he smiled and pecked me on the cheek. If my skin was pale you would've seen my blush, I couldn't describe the feeling Mark gave me.

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