Chapter 10

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Did Luca really just hit on me? I thought as he paced towards the doors, pushing them open and letting all of the heat rush in. He turned to me, his leg holding the door open,

"So are you coming or not?" I must have stood there for a good 5 minutes, he really just hit on me. I came back to earth as in the distance I saw Mark walking to breakfast. I gave myself a little smirk as the thought of him made my stomach turn, heading towards Luca to start the day.

A couple of days had passed and nothing much had happened. It was now Tuesday and Tuesday was our fiesta night. We had no evening entertainment, instead there was a huge party in the hotel's night club, away from the rooms and only adults could attend, from 8:00 until late. It was the only chance we were meant to have at meeting the guests and being more free with them and of course I was going to ask Mark to come with me. At poolside that morning I saw him sitting by the sea, so I grabbed a ticket for him,

"Mark!" I shouted as I walked across the sand, going as quickly as I can because I hadn't spoken to him in days. He turned around and gave me his always huge smile that I loved.

"Hello beautiful," he said quietly, luckily no one was around. He kept his sunglasses on but I could tell he winked at me. I pulled my hand from behind my back and handed him the ticket.

"You're coming tonight yes?" 

"Well I am now, what is it?" He inspected the ticket, trying to translate the Spanish words.

"Tonight's fiesta... a big big party for just adults, and for one night us entertainers don't work here.."

"So that means-" I could see one side of his mouth creep up as he held the tips of my fingers.

"We will still have to be careful but yes," I winked at him this time, pulling my hand away in case anyone saw. "So meet me outside my rooms at-"

"6, I will take you for a bite to eat before hand... how much do I owe you for this?" He knelt down next to his small bag, fumbling for a wallet.

"A kiss later..." He looked up at me and pouted. 

"Well that sounds like a done deal to me," he stood back up and shook my hand as we laughed at how formal we had to be with each other. "I'll see you later then!"

"Adios Mark," I waved as I moved on to another couple, to try and sell some more tickets. At lunch we had a meeting about how well we were doing and how many tickets we had sold. Luca led the meeting and was impressed that I had sold 30 overall, considering it was only adults allowed to come. I also found out that I was the top worker in our part of the resort, which meant I had a 2 week holiday to anywhere at the end of the month and a 50 euro raise, I couldn't wait to tell Mark. I could go over to England and see him. I was now counting down the hours until I could see him. At 4:30 we started to pack up by poolside to get ready for this evening and we walked down as a group to our rooms. I headed straight to the shower, washed and dried my hair, threw on a white stripey playsuit and applied a small amount of makeup. It was now 5:50 and someone had knocked on my door. It couldn't be Mark because he wasn't allowed on the premises unless we were with him. I opened the door and it was Luca.

"Can I come in?" he asked, walking in anyway without waiting for my answer.

"Are you ok?" I was confused as to what was going on. He walked up to me and stroked his hand through my hair.

"I have fancied you for so long Maria," he said gently, moving his hand down to my bra strap. 

"Stop it Luca!" I pushed his hand off of my and pulled back up my strap. He re-applied his hands to my bum.

"While Ruben was here I couldn't touch his precious Maria, but now he's gone I have you all to myself..." he leant in to my neck and began to bite on it, but this time I couldn't push him away.

"GET OFF ME!" I screamed, as I started to cry at how scared I was but he kept going. I'd left the door open but no one was there to hear me. "GET OFF ME PLEASE!" He pushed me down onto the bed, lowing his lips.

"You know you want to Maria," his hands began to go up my shorts when suddenly he was pulled back off of me violently. It was Mark! "Oi get off me," he shouted as Mark held his collar and dragged him outside my room. Although Mark was small, he was much stronger than Ruben, dropping him hard onto the tiled floor. 

"Do that again and I will hurt you," Ruben just nodded in fear and got to his feet, running down the stairs to his block. I just sat on the bed frozen as Mark ran in to me closing the door. He sat beside me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, "I know it's a silly question but are you alright?" 

"I will be," I showed a fake smile as I tried to realise what had just happened. Mark wiped away my tears and cleared up the makeup underneath my eyes. 

"We won't go to dinner, I'll order room service, we'll eat here while you calm down and I'll phone Gaz to tell him to just meet us at the fiesta." He kissed my forehead and squeezed me tightly, I felt so safe within his embrace. 

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