Chapter 13

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I couldn't believe I was actually flying to England, I didn't even have time to find my warm clothes so all I could pack were dresses and shorts, in hope that England could have some warm weather. Before getting on the next plane I text Reuben,

Flying to England, last minute decision, will text when I land xx

2 hours later the plane had landed, after years of not being in this country. I'd never flown to Manchester airport before so I had no idea where I was going. I trudged through the airport, hoping I could see Mark.. but why would I? Dragging my suitcase and shivering in my dress I stepped out into the biting air, my body covered in goosebumps as my body temperature plummeted. Lucky for me a taxi pulled up as he got out to open the door for me. Sitting in the warmth I regained my normal temperature and pulled out the paper containing Mark's address.

"Could you take me to this address please?" The driver took it, handing back the paper and nodding. 

"Good holiday?" he asked me, breaking the awkward silence.

"Oh no, I've come here for a holiday, I live in Spain."

"You've come to England for a holiday... crazy spanish lady." He laughed and I didn't really know what to say. I just wanted to see Mark. 

"Actually it's to see this guy who came to the holiday resort I work at-"

"Here you are!" The driver stopped, I was offended that he ad spoken over me but then I looked at the house he had taken me to. It was huge!

"Wow... urm thank you, how much-?"

"Don't bother paying, I owe the crazy lady something, do you want me to buzz the gate?"

"No don't worry, but thank you so much," I hugged him quickly, then grabbed my suitcase, watching him drive away before braving buzzing at the gate. It took me a couple of minutes before I had the guts to press the buzzer and when I did I immediately regretted everything I was doing. It was a few seconds before someone answered, but it wasn't Mark on the screen, it was some other man with tattoos all over his arms, a voice much deeper than Mark's.

"Can I help you?"

"I'm Maria, I've come to see Mark!" he didn't reply, instead the gates just opened slowly, revealing me to a huge driveway with 3 larger cars parked up, a garage, a large garden and a 2 storey house, the door right in the centre. As I got to the door I rang the bell, wondering if Mark was even home! I was contemplating turning back as I heard a key turn in the lock, so I turned round hoping that magically I could disappear. The door creaked open and I heard that beautiful familiar voice I missed-


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