Chapter 7

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"Mark you do know I really like you too... but this has to be a secret, if anyone finds out-"

"I know I had guessed, that's why I haven't done anything. But I have never felt so certain about someone, I barely know you yet I like you so much, it's weird." He sat up and pushed his hair from over his face. I sat up and joined him, slipping my shirt back on. "I'm sorry about what happened!"

"Why are you sorry Mark? I know it's early but ever since we went into that town the other night I have just felt these, butterflies whenever you're near." I looked away from him in embarrassment.

"I just wish I could spend more time with you, I leave next Sunday." He gave a brief smile as he realised he was meant to leave.

"This is why we have a no customer and workers policy, but it's so hard- especially with someone like you." What was I saying? I hadn't been this cheesy ever.

"You're so cute," he beamed his cheeky smile at me and giggled in his beautiful mancunian accent. At this point I could really notice his even more gorgeous features, the cute dimples and the occasional freckle on his cheeks, the tan line around his sunglasses and the enchanting eyes that lured me. "So now what?" We just sat on my bed.

"Well I know I'm being cheap but I can take you to one of our restaurants, I know the staff personally, I'm sure they'll give us a discount." I winked as he giggled again.

"Wow, cute and funny, looks like Spain is the perfect country." He smirked in reply and slipped his vest and shorts back on.

"I'm just going to change out of my work clothes, one moment," I pulled a casual playsuit from the wardrobe and wandered into the bathroom, changing, brushing my hair and applying lipstick. I slipped on my sandals and opened the door of the bathroom.

"Ready?" He smiled, pushing his hair back.

"Can I just have a couple of minutes, you go down to the restaurant, I need to call my mum quick."

"Yeah sure, I'll meet you..." he paused waiting for my reply.

"Oh! Urmmm Italian?"

"Got ya!" He smiled again, closing the door. I grabbed my phone off the table and typed in Ruben's name, starting a new text for when he landed.

Ruben! Okay I know you said be safe but call me as soon as you get this, besos xx

I wanted him to be here so badly right now.

Half an hour later I met Mark outside the little Italian restaurant at the centre of the complex. Gary was stood with him, along with Gary's girlfriend, her hand around his waist. As I approached Gary saw me and nudged Mark, who had changed into smarter shorts and a white polo shorts, his nose looking slightly burnt. He looked over at me and smiled.

"Holllaaa," he said cheerfully, shaking my hand in attempt to cover up what had happened. He smelt really good, sort of musky and his hands were so soft. "Ready?"

"Never been more ready," I gave a huge smile and followed behind them. The waiter Fabio had been working here for as long as I had been and never failed to make me smile.

"Maria," he chanted. He began speaking to me in Spanish about why I was here, to make sure Mark didn't know what I was saying about him. "Table for 4 then?" He winked at me in a friendly manner and gestured us to a table, where I sat next to Mark and Gary next to his girlfriend. He handed us the menus and walked away.

"So Maria this is Dawn..." she smiled but seemed quite shy.

"Hi Maria, I've heard all about you-" she stopped when she realised Mark had gone bright red.

"Well it's nice to meet you Dawn," I smiled back and died inside knowing that Mark had been speaking about me. I put my hand on his thigh, under the napkin to relax him.

"So Maria how long have you worked here?" Gary asked me, breaking the silence.

"Just 6 months, I love it because it gives me a reason to not be in England!"

"Where in England did you live?" He was reading his menu but appeared interested.

"I grew up outside London..." I paused for a minute, "in one of the council flats." I hadn't told Mark that neither of my parents had ever got a job in England, so they really did rely on me. He looked at me, but I just looked down at my menu. "How about you?"

"Near Manchester, like Mark and Dawn." He slammed the menu on the table. "I'm having risotto."

"Same here," agreed Dawn.

"What are you having?" Mark asked me as the other 2 began a conversation.

"I can't decide, I wanted the pizza but they're huge," I continued to scan the menu.

"Lets share one, and drink?" He too closed the menu and slammed it down.

"Just some water please and are you sure?"

"No wine, beer? And yes, if I get that hungry I'll go to the buffet afterwards," he winked and giggled.

"You're too kind Mr Owen and I don't drink," as I said this the other 2 looked at me in silence. "What?"

"Not even to relax?" Dawn asked, surprised.

"My job isn't exactly stressful guys," I laughed and they thought about it, agreeing shortly after. "Now lets order!"

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