Chapter 9

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I was woken by a ringing from beside me, my eyes shot open as I panicked. Oh god was I still outside, am I late? But no, it was 6:00 and I was in my bed, alone. Suddenly I realised my phone was still ringing,

"Hello?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.

"Maria, are you ok?" It was Ruben.

"Ruben! Oh my how was your flight? Are you with family yet?" I sat up in my bed.

"It was fine and no not yet, I just got your text. What's up?" I forgot about texting him! What do I say?

"Oh yes, that text. So Mark came to see me yesterday, after you left.."

"Not in your room Maria?" I could hear his stern voice.

"Noooo," I replied unconvincingly.

"Maria! You know the rules."

"I know I know, but I fancy him and I was upset and needed company and he kissed me and then all of a sudden the clothes were off!"

"You didn't..."

"No! Only down to underwear. But then we went out for dinner and I fell asleep on him, I need you here Ruben." I could hear the shakiness in my voice.

"Maria you need to learn to live without me, I'm thousands of miles away- wait is he still there?"

"No we fell asleep on a sun lounger, I don't remember coming back to my room- but that's not the point, I don't know what to do about it all and the new guy starts today, it won't be the same!"

"Look sweet, I have to go for my taxi, but you cannot get into trouble ok? Promise me and if you do you will call me-"

"Yes Reuben, just text me when you're home." I hung up the phone and turned to see the clock, but a note was attached to it. 

Good morning sleepy, have a nice day at work.

Mark xx

He was honestly the nicest most genuine guy I had ever met. I ripped the note from my clock, SHIT! It was 7:30 and I needed to be at poolside by 8:30, after eating and showing and ugh- I quickly jumped out of bed and threw on my dry bikini, followed by my clean uniform and trainers, brushing my tight curls and washing my face, grabbing my sunglasses and flying out of the door to breakfast. As I arrived in the canteen Luca was sat alone, so I grabbed some toast and a glass of juice and sat beside him, it was about time I started making new friends.

"Hola," he beamed his big white smile at me. He like Reuben was also Mexican, not Spanish so they tanned much darker than we did, making his teeth seem brighter.

"Well this makes a change," I exclaimed as I sat opposite him.

"It does indeed, heard from Reuben?"

"Yeah he called this morning, he's good actually and was just heading home-"

"You miss him don't you?" Luca was starting to get quite personal, I'd never had such an in-depth conversation with him.

"Of course, he was like a brother to me, but I guess it means free holidays to Mexico so I'm not complaining." I smiled and Luca exhaled with a sort of laugh. He was nice.

"So shall we get the day started then?" He broke the awkward silence that had loomed for about 5 minutes.

"Yeah sure, is it water volley first?"

"Yeah... I can't wait to see you in that bikini," he winked at me as he took my plate for me. Did he actually just hit on me?

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