Chapter 11

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Once Mark had made all his calls he opened up my balcony door, taking my hand and leading me out there. I hadn't been out here since I first became friends with Ruben. He pulled out a chair for me to sit, taking the chair opposite.

"Feeling more relaxed now?" He played with my feet with his, gently pushing them side to side.

"I am now you're here... Thank you Mark!" I smiled at him, gazing into his dreamy eyes.

"My pleasure, but what do you do about him when I'm gone, remember I only have-" he counted up in his head quickly, "3 days left here, I don't want him hurting you again," he leant forward and grabbed my hands, his gentle skin against mine.

"I'll think of something, what's the date today?" Mark looked confused.

"The 15th I think, why?" he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"I've been granted 2 week holiday at the end of this month and a pay rise for being the most successful entertainer, and well I wanted to come to England, what do you-"

"Yes yes yes yes yes," he exclaimed jumping out of his chair and pulling me up then lifting me. "I would love for you to come to England with me, I can show you around my home town and you can see your parents!" He was clearly happy. He placed me back down on the ground and kissed me on the lips, I closed my eyes to make the experience magical. He pulled away and pushed his forehead against mine, stroking his hands through my hair and putting it behind my ears. I smiled at him and I couldn't help but giggle and then the door went.

"I'll get it," I broke away from him to collect the food, bringing it out to him on the balcony. "Chilli for two," i placed one bowl in front of him and the other on my side, digging my fork straight in as i was so hungry.

An hour had passed and it was time for the fiesta. I could already hear the music as we headed towards to club in the complex and I stopped Mark just before we headed into the crowd.

"Ok tonight Mark, I'm at work so-"

"I know, you need to dance with other people, make them feel welcome before you can spend time with me."

"Wait... how do you know I was going to say that?" I was confused as he looked at me blankly.

"Well you must know Maria, hotel flings here and there-" I instantly realised, he was using me. "No I didn't-"

"Whatever Mark, and i thought you were different!" I wipped myself around to walk away from him, releasing a small tear as I did so, leaving the gorgeous man who I had fallen so hard for.

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